[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210202/db1444852ca6a74367c1d91962a44e5e.png[/img][/center] It had already been a very busy day for Viper. There were so many dragons that had come to see Queen Ardent and her claws hurt from scribbling on the scrolls that she kept in the room. They were still covered in ink as well and she knew that would take ages to wear off, but it was something she was proud of. It was a symbol that she could do something important for her tribe. Now Queen Ardent was taking a break and she wanted to find these strange dragons that were visiting. It was so exciting! She hadn't met any new dragons in so long. Her normally light blue scales swirled with yellow as she scanned the platforms for anyone she didn't recognize. Ah, there! There was no mistaking the unusual stature and strange colors of foreign dragons. They seemed to be wandering from group to group of lounging RainWings, for what reason she had no idea, but she definitely wanted to find out. As she landed she heard the grumble from the spiky one, but she didn't quite catch the mumbled words from the small, black one. Did other dragon's scales show emotion? Did that mean she was upset about something? That wouldn't be good. She wanted their visitors to have a nice time here. [color=ed1c24][b]"I wonder why it's like this. Does their Queen just not care?"[/b][/color] She heard the comment from the dark red dragon and frowned; her scales tinged an emerald green. [color=f49ac2][b]"Of course Queen Ardent cares about us,"[/b][/color] she flapped up and over their heads to land on the platform in front of them, [color=f49ac2][b]"She spends all day every day listening to the problems we have and coming up with solutions."[/b][/color] The red dragon blinked in surprise before giving a sheepish grin, [color=ed1c24][b]"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude."[/b][/color] Well he was very polite. She gave them all a bright grin, scales now her usual pattern of light blue and pink. [color=f49ac2][b]"I heard there were some new dragons hanging around and I just had to come see. You all look like you could maybe use some help with something? Queen Ardent always tells me that I am very helpful so maybe I can do that for you all as well!"[/b][/color] She paused in her ramblings for a moment, [color=f49ac2][b]"Oh! I'm Viper by the way. What's your names?"[/b][/color]