[hider=Everin "Small" Skye] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4xMWIxZDAuUlhabGNtbHVJQ0pUYldGc2JDSWdVMnQ1WlEuMA/vtks-embromation.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/638eba92-fe6f-4473-92b7-b055a01223f1/dededh6-76a95051-46fc-4911-a68d-8f1c2dea51bd.png/v1/fill/w_657,h_1216,q_70,strp/2_1_21_gundam_oc_drawing_by_crosswire40_dededh6-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0yMzY3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjM4ZWJhOTItZmU2Zi00NDczLTkyYjctYjA1NWEwMTIyM2YxXC9kZWRlZGg2LTc2YTk1MDUxLTQ2ZmMtNDkxMS1hNjhkLThmMWMyZGVhNTFiZC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.rScVtGS4-QOGzcxOM9Si3PO89ml6Q6iCiSSpgL9FkNQ[/img][/center][center][color=fff79a][h3][b][i]Callsign[/i][/b][/h3][/color][/center][center][h2][color=00FFFF]"SMALL SKY"[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr][color=fff79a][b][h2]Basic Information[/h2][/b][/color][color=fff79a][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=fff79a][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 Years Old [color=fff79a][b]Role:[/b][/color] Ace-Pilot Propaganda Tool [color=fff79a][b]Origin:[/b][/color] Earth-Born Imperial Citizen [color=fff79a][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Carius-[i]Due for a promotion[/i] [hr][hr][h2][color=fff79a][b]Description[/b][/color][/h2] [i]Skye is a young woman standing just 5'7 with a lithe and athletic build. She has light fair skin, striking blue hair, and dirty brown eyes that stand in contrast to her brighter features. Her hair is styled in something of a punkish pixie cut, shaved down on the left side of her head and longer on the right side with bangs hanging down in front of her face. Despite her narrow waist and modest chest, Skye tends to come off as something of a tomboy in appearance and mannerisms. Her legs are missing below the knee, forcing her to wear a pair of prosthetic legs.[/i] [color=fff79a][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Skye is a fiery and determined individual with no patience for the indecisive and no mercy for those who get in her way. Her temper is severe and Skye has no qualms with getting physical with individuals when she knows she can get away with it. Vindictive and unrelenting in regards to those she hates, Skye's anger stems from personal loss and feelings of being unwanted. Her rage is as much a means of focusing as it is a distraction from her own thoughts and concerns regarding herself and what those around her actually think of her. [color=fff79a][b]Known Features:[/b][/color] Skye has a number of scars on her body due to the rocket crash she survived when she was eight. The scarring mostly goes unseen when she's dressed but covers her stomach, back, and the majority of her remaining legs. What is clearly visible to others is her missing legs and the prosthetic replacements that she wears in order to remain mobile and pilot a mobile suit. [color=fff79a][b]Attire:[/b][/color] Casually Skye wears little of note, often slobing around in jeans, t-shirts, and whatever hoodie or jacket she can pull find on the floor. When in active duty she wears the standard green and brown imperial uniform, albeit with some liberties taken such as rolled up sleeves and a loose collar. When piloting she uses a pilot suit found with her flag, a light blue suit used by the 'Union' from the Anno Domini Era. [color=fff79a][b]History:[/b][/color] Everin Skye was born the daughter of an aspiring scientist in the Beloth Empire's capital city. She grew up raised entirely by her father and never knowing her mother, only being told that she 'ran away' shortly after she was born. From a very early age Skye became incredibly attached to her father. She went everywhere with him to the point she refused to go to school and ended up being taught mostly by her father. In the capital, Skye's father, Professor Daskin Skye, was the Empire's leading scientist in the push to start revisiting space. He pioneered the rediscovery of lost rocketry technology and fuel production methods through the study and reverse engineering of excavated machines. It wasn't long before he began to build and test rockets, built and produced almost entirely from Imperial produced parts. Eventually it reached the point where a manned trip into orbit was possible and Professor Daskin made a bold move. He decided to be the one to man the rocket with an eight year old Skye accompanying him. It was a dangerous move, but one born out of necessity in order to quit critics in the capital who doubted the need to return to space at all. Skye was ignorant of the politics behind her father's move however and was overjoyed at the idea of going up into space. The launch of the rocket went off without a hitch and within what seemed like moments Skye could see the Earth below. That moment was a moment Skye would remember for the rest of her life. Floating, unbound by gravity, looking through a port window with her father at the Earth below as their rocket carefully navigated a debris field. It was a happy moment...that was until something stuck the rocket. After that everything became a blur. Skye was strapped into her chair, the rocket shook, and suddenly gravity took hold once more as the plummeted towards earth with holes blasted clean through them. As they fell Skye caught sight of something above them as they dropped. [i]A mobile suit[/i] which fired down on them even as they fell back towards Earth. Despite her father's reassurances the rocket careened wildly out of control, rapidly building up speed and catching aflame. By the time her father was able to eject the front nose portion of the rocket, it was too late. The impact caused Skye to black out immediately as they hit solid ground. A week later Skye awoke from her injuries to find herself hospitalized and her legs missing. Delirious with pain and drugged out of her mind, Skye was still able to comprehend the doctors when she was informed her legs had been destroyed in the crash and that her father had been killed on impact. For the better part of a year Skye remained in the hospital, healing and undergoing brutal physical therapy in an effort to rehabilitate her injuries and learn to walk using a pair of clunky prosthetics. Upon being deemed (at least physically) well enough to leave the hospital Skye was released into the custody of the state as she had no living relatives left to take care of her and she was regarded as knowing vital state secrets. Alone and emotionally broken due to the loss of her father and the traumatic loss of her legs, Skye was completely lost up until she was ten years old. An old friend of her father, George Eltz, spoke with Skye one day and during their conversation the idea of joining the military was planted into Skye's head. Soon it was all Skye could think about, longing to travel back into space and slaughter the ones responsible for what had happened to her. At just ten years old Skye began to physically and mentally prepare herself for joining the military through any means she could conceive of. After just four years Skye was able to sign up at just 14 years old thanks to strings pulled by George Eltz. Upon completing basic training, Skye quickly found herself selected to be the focus of propaganda by the Beloth Empire's higher ups. "Daughter of famous scientist killed in space aggressor attack joins military to seek revenge with no legs!". It was seen as a golden opportunity to demonize their enemies in space and build up the Empire's image as a righteous force. It wasn't long before Sky found herself sequestered from her peers and given special treatment. However Skye wasn't ignorant that she was just being used and how the military intended her to be nothing but a mouth piece. Refusing to be 'just for show', Skye began to abuse her special privilege's in order to get ahold of a mobile suit. She acquired a the SVMS-01AP Union Flag Orbit Package Colony Guard Type that her father had intended to use years prior for rocket experiments. A suit intended for use in space was seen as no real danger for the crippled girl to have and a propaganda film was planned where she would use the suit to defeat false enemies. However Skye made off with the Flag and broke for the border where she knew a group of seditious nomadic raiders had been causing trouble. Locating their camp during a heavy rainfall, Skye attacked and engaged five nomadic mobile suits in armed combat. By the time her 'handlers' arrived, they found the camp leveled and the five enemy mobile suits splayed out on the ground at the feet of Skye's unit. Though she did not come out unscathed, Skye had turned what was originally meant to be a lie for propaganda into a true story. With a single bold action she had proven her point: She was [i]more[/i] then capable of matching any claims the Empire wanted to make about her. Over the new three years Skye would rapidly make her way up the ranks of the Imperial military. Twisting the plans of her superiors and using them to destroy threat after threat to the Empire, proving herself time and again with an increasing bodycount and wild feats of piloting. At the age of 18 she was already at the rank of Carius, with a promotion for her in the near future. Despite everything however Skye was left unsatisfied. She was still regarded by ire or as a joke by the majority of the military, with many regarding her otherwise real feats as nothing more then lies cooked up for propaganda. Things seemed to change for the better when Skye was reassigned to a new unit, one focused on a new space offensive against the filthy colonial powers above them... [color=fff79a][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Skye is an incredibly skilled mobile suit pilot with a high g-force tolerance and focus on maneuverability. Preferring high speed and high mobility units, she can quickly close distance and overwhelm targets with close quarters melee attacks and medium ranged bombardments. She excels at remaining mobile even in dangerous or borderline unnavigable terrain, displaying a fearlessness bordering in suicidal foolishness, never blinking when it comes to a challenge. On the ground she is a competent soldier and still physically capable despite missing her legs. [color=fff79a][b]Items:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Double-Barreled Pistol: A high-caliber, double barreled pistol chambered for the standard rifle round used by the Empire. Though not standard issue and having only two shots, the weapon works in space and is more deadly and accurate then the pistol-caliber sidearm carried by other pilots. [*] Union Pilot Suit: An Anno Domini Era pilot suit found with the Flag her father excavated. It has been used by her for some time and has become quite comfortable to wear. [*] SVMS-01AP Union Flag Orbit Package Colony Guard Type [*] Tickets: Gold [0], Silver [0], Copper [0] [/list] [/hider] [hider=SVMS-01AP Union Flag Orbit Package Colony Guard Type] [Center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjExYjFkMC5VMVpOVXkwd01VRlFJRlZ1YVc5dUlFWnNZV2NnVDNKaWFYUS4w/union-agrochem.charkrapetch.png[/img][/Center] [Center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjExYjFkMC5JRkJoWTJ0aFoyVWdRMjlzYjI1NUlFZDFZWEprSUZSNWNHVS4w/union-agrochem.charkrapetch.png[/img][/Center] [Center][img]https://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00v/svms-01ap-cruise.jpg[/img][/Center][Center] [hider=Standing Mode] [img]https://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00v/svms-01ap.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/Center][center][h1]Limited Production Transformable Colony Patrol Mobile Suit[/h1][/center] [center][h2]Everin Skye[/h2][/center] [color=B22222][h2][u][b]Unit Appearance[/b][/u][/h2][/color] The SVMS-01AP Union Flag is a tall and slender mobile suit, with narrow limbs and a lithe waist where a drum cockpit sits. It's exterior is sleek and deliberately streamlined, with even it's head having a slanted and sleeked back appearance with two ear-like protrusions steaking backwards. Possessing a red mono-eye optic and gold-colored panels on its face, the Flag has a striking appearance. The Colony Guard Type Flag has a large, semi-tubular shaped booster fitted to its rear and a half-circle shaped module fitted to its back with a pair of short linear rifles sticking past its shoulder. Being a transformable mobile suit its body can fold up into a longer, more compact form. The Colony Guard Type Flag's transformation resembles a space-craft with a booster extending out the rear and it's legs folded forward, the manipulators at the end of its feet folding outwards to give an almost predatory appearance. This unit is painted a dark blue color. [color=B22222][h2][u][b]Technical Details[/b][/u][/h2][/color] [b]Accommodation:[/b] Pilot Only, Drum cockpit in waist. [b]Dimensions:[/b] 17.9 Meters all (19.9 meters long in cruise mode) [b]Powerplant:[/b] Solar Energy Receiver + Battery [b]Equipment and Design Features: [/b] [color=F0E68C][u][b]•Transformation Mechanism[/b][/u][/color] The Union Flag line of mobile suits all have some sort of transformation mechanism to them, with a few exceptions. The Union Flag Colony Guard Type is capable of entering into a Cruising mode where it's body folds forward, it's arms and legs tuck into its body, and its head retracts down into its torso. In this form it's Crossfire rifle is affixed to the front and it assumes a fighter-like form with greatly heightened acceleration and a longer, more slender profile better suited for navigating debris fields. While its mobility is lower in this form its better able to chase down or escape from enemies due to its superior speed. It can also enter a 'Raptor Position' where it's head raises up and it's legs swing forward to serve as arms, with the bottom of the feet modified to open up into large claw-like manipulators. This form retains the superior speed of the cruising form but with increased melee capabilities, allowing it to charge at enemies, grab hold of them, and pull them along as it fires into them or slams them back first into space debris. [color=F0E68C][u][b]•Backpack and Booster[/b][/u][/color] Fitted to the back of the Colony Guard Type where the Flag's Flight Unit would normally be, is a backpack fitted with weapons and installed with a batter expansion and power condensers for the weapons. This backpack helps to amplify the power of the Flag by adding additional weapons. Mounted on the rear of the Flag is a large two-thruster booster capable of tremendous output. This booster was designed to be easily swapped out for larger, or different models of booster, which has made working on the Colony Guard Type Flag much easier for the Beloth Empire. [color=F0E68C][u][b]•E-Carbon Armor[/b][/u][/color] An advanced material from the Anno Domini era. Instead of iron, or some form of advance alloy, the Flag is made up almost entirely from an incredibly strong form of carbon constructed from carbon nanotubes. This makes it lighter and more durable then a mobile suit made of conventional steels or titanium, making it better suited towards flight and mobility. On top of this the E-Carbon that makes up the Flag is capable of storing the hydrogen molecules it uses for fuel, eliminating the need for a dedicated (and volatile) fuel tank. [color=F0E68C][u][b]•Solar Energy Receiver[/b][/u][/color] Instead of a fusion reactor, the Flag runs off of energy wirelessly transmitted to it. Originally this was from the orbital elevators in the Anno Domini Era, which collected clean solar energy and transmitted it to the world. Despite the lack of orbital elevators or a clear transmission point, mobile suits with Solar Energy Receivers still receive power from an [i]untraceable location.[/i] While not as powerful as a reactor, its far lighter, less volatile, and does emit disruptive particles. A high capacity battery is also present in the unit, allowing it to operate should it somehow lose its reciever or end up unable to recieve power. [color=B22222][h2][u][b]Weapons and Combat Capabilities[/b][/u][/h2][/color] [h3][b][u]Handheld Armaments[/u][/b][/h3] [color=F0E68C][u][b]•MLR-04 "Crossfire" 200mm Linear Rifle[/b][/u][/color] The production version of a once experimental 200mm Linear Rifle from the Anno Domini Era. Linear Rifles are magnetic weapons that propel solid rounds at tremendous speeds using magnetic rails lining the inside of the barrel. With no need to eject casings or deal with combustion gases, the weapon is incredibly reliable and adaptable. The MLR-04 Crossfire sacrifices a high rate of fire for more powerful shots, firing off larger, more accurate, and more penetrating rounds with greater range then an average handheld linear rifle. This leaves it only capable of firing in a semi-automatic like fashion [color=F0E68C][u][b]•Sonic Blade (Plasma Sword) x2[/b][/u][/color] A pair of knives with blades made of reinforced E-Carbon. Mechanisms in the handle oscillate the blades at high frequencies, enhancing their cutting capabilities over conventional melee weapons. Plasma can also be focused around the physical blade, allowing for an elongated 'blade' of plasma that allows the Sonic Blade to become a Plasma Sword. A plasma sword has greater cutting power, but only has enough energy to be used for 3 minutes at full power. In this state it can clash with beam sabers and, due to not being a 'beam' weapon, deal significant damage to nanolaminate armor and other beam-focused defenses. They are stored, folded up, inside the forearms of the flag and deployed when needed. [h3][b][u]Fixed Armaments[/u][/b][/h3] [color=F0E68C][u][b]•60mm Internal Linear Cannon x2[/b][/u][/color] Mounted in the backpack and flanking both sides of the Flag's head are a pair of 60mm Internal Linear Cannons. While possessing more power then a traditional pair of 60mm Vulcans, they still aren't particularly capable in piercing the armor of most conventional mobile suits. This makes them better suited for shooting down projectiles or targeting the more vulnerable parts on an enemy such as their optics. Due to the placement of the cannons however they can only be used in the Flag's humanoid form as parts of the transformation block the barrels. [color=F0E68C][u][b]•120mm Short Linear Cannon x2[/b][/u][/color] Connected to the backpack of the Colony Guard Type Flag are a pair of 120mm Linear Cannons with shortened barrels. They are lined up with the Flag's shoulders and extend slightly past them. Due to being fed by the extra condenser and battery in the backpack, the 120mm Linear Cannons have a high rate of fire. Though their accuracy is limited due to their shortened barrels and their firepower is only moderate compared to the Crossfire Rifle, their rapid firing nature helps to balance out the weapon selection of the Colony Guard Type Flag. Allowing it to spray gunfire as it flies at high speeds towards targets. [color=F0E68C][u][b]•2-Tube Rocket Launcher Pack x2[/b][/u][/color] Fitted to the legs of the Flag are a pair of fixed 2-tube rocket launchers. While unguided and inaccurate compared to missiles, rockets aren't effected by particle interference from Minovsky, Ahab, and other such reactors. The lack of a guidance system allows for more room for explosive payloaded giving them greater damage then missiles. The simple nature of the rockets also allows them to be more easily produced and replaced by the Empire. With only 2 rockets a launcher, the pilot typically saves them for important targets or dire moments. [color=F0E68C][u][b]•Linear Spear x2[/b][/u][/color] Mounted in feet of the unit are a pair of what amount to linear piledrivers. Short, razor sharp stakes driven outwards by magnetic force. This allows the unit to firmly plant itself on the ground, or while transformed and using its legs as manipulators, grab hold of enemy units and fire the Linear Spears into them to penetrate their armor and deal damage. While powerful the linear spears can only really be used at point-blank range. [h3][b][u]Strengths and Weaknesses[/u][/b][/h3] The SVMS-01AP Union Flag Orbit Package Colony Guard Type is a dedicated space mobile suit with high speed, high mobility, and an assortment of weapons that make it well suited for assaults. Its transformation mechanisms give it an edge in the debris littered atmosphere, allowing it to better maneuver and navigate through harsh space terrain while in combat. Equally as capable from a distance as it is in melee, the Colony Guard Type is an ideal unit to be launching into space. However the Flag isn't particularly well armored and though protected well enough from physical projectiles, its beam defenses are lacking and the Colony Guard Type lacks the Defense Rod found on other Flag Models. It also cannot use beam weapons or weapons requiring a lot of power from the reactor of the unit, as the Flag only has an Solar Energy Receiver to power it. The Flag is also mostly designed to work on Space, requiring additional parts and modifications in order to work properly under gravity. [color=B22222][h2][u][b]Technical History[/b][/u][/h2][/color] Produced in the Anno Domini Era, the SVMS-01AP Union Flag Orbit Package Colony Guard Type was a limited production variant of the "Astro Work Type" Flag used mainly in space at the time to work on colonies. The Astro Work Type was seen as inadequate for defense and defeating well equipped enemies, a more combat capable variant was produced. This variant was used primarily to guard colonies and patrol the resource asteroid fields that often surrounded them. Capable of transforming into a faster Cruise Mode, and a more melee capable 'Raptor Mode', the Colony Guard Type Flag proved to be an elegant and adept mobile suit for its task. Though it was quickly outshined and forgotten due to the rise of more powerful, far more advanced mobile suits that rose up during the conflicts of the time period. One particular Union Flag Orbit Package Colony Guard Type was found by Professor Daskin Skye during excavation work for the Empire. He stored the Flag in his laboratory and studied it to assist with his rocket research. The Professor had plans to eventually fix the Colony Guard Type to the nose of a rocket and launch it into space to test military ascension rockets he planned to design. However the Professor was killed in an incident before any plans could be attempted. The Colony Guard Type Flag was left collecting dust in his lab until years later his daughter, Everin Skye, managed to have the Flag transferred to her ownership. Using the Flag she ditched an assignment to film a propaganda movie using the suit and instead used it to attack an armed nomadic tribe near the border that had been causing problems. Despite the issues of using a Space Type suit on the Earth, Skye managed to destroy the armed nomads and defeat five mobile suits. From that point forward the Flag became Skye's personal unit, seeing modifications to work under gravity and allowing her to reek havoc on various troublesome enemies of the Empire. It is now primed and set to be launched into space with Skye's transfer to the Empire's new space aggressor force. [/hider][@Phoenix347]