[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.h_qevmQSNo-0hC2n9118wQHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [h1]In the following week...[/h1] The cold of Formalis had seeped into the crashed, rimed ships on its surface. Skala wandered about them thinking them to be something curious, but ultimately they were nothing but wonders that served no purpose to the wandering people. As quickly as they appeared, they were lost to the snow. The metal and plasteel that composed their twisted and mangled frames froze and warped as rocks and permafrost pressed further down on them. It would take some considerable effort to dig the snow away from the ships, but all that salvaged material could put a team of scrappers up for months if they got everything they could. This was the break Frost and Vorra had been needing for a while now, low on credits, bad luck, and running from heat. Not good for their type. Vorra found them and all was smooth, though recently the radio chatter on the less well known sides of the airwaves were talking about some white-knight-complex-having federal toady calling himself the "Ivory Flash." Some guy in a huge robot running around clearing places out for the Feds or something. Apparently his robot was packing major heat, wouldn't be good to run into that even if they had a Vrexul communist running with them. Vorra had picked Frost up after a mildly long explanation explaining their new...arachnoid accomplice as well as carpooling for Molly who they had all met up with. Molly was her usual chill-vibed self around Frost, they hadn't spoken in a while. Frost and Varzyrin worked on getting everyone caught up to speed on the job and what Formalis actually was. It was a little awkward trying to get a Vrexul and two fugitives out of orbit, but then again, it wasn't something any of them weren't used to. once they were all aboard Vorra's ship, Frost got in front of everyone who was gathered around, for the sake of a briefing. She had a glock visible at her hip with a knife and magazines for said glock put up in her coat. While Vorra soared the lot of them through the less regulated pieces of the Federation's skies to get out from under their watch, she spoke to get everyone up to speed. It wouldn't be long before they got there. [color=skyblue]Alright, listen up for a second, if I ain't told you already, we're going to a place out of Federal space called Formalis. Vorra says it's colder than hell there but we're going to loot a bunch of federal ships that crashed there. Big ones. They hit lower orbit at a sharp curve and the clouds threw 'em off their game. Pilots'r probably on ice by now but we dunno how much time we'll have until someone sends a rescue team out there or something. The plan is we get down there and take everything that ain't nailed down, haul ass to Kastrack or some other black market where the Feds won't look, split the cash, and go one about life like normal afterwards."[/color] They had all spent a week's worth of time together so everyone by now was well acquainted, on a first name basis and background. Varzyrin was an anti-fed war hero, Molly was an anti-fed spy of a sort and Frost just a straight up criminal with good contacts. Since they were all familiar with one another, they knew everyone was here for the money, and more people meant smaller shares but more ease of shares at all. If anyone wanted to stab someone else in the back, that could put everything in a messy state. Formalis was coming into view on the horizon. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.1MyqQ4BIiXeyIOtElDLiBAHaD8%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [color=silver][h1][b]Formalis[/b][/h1][/color] A dreary, foggy atmosphere of grays and whites which could barely be seen by the snow clouds. Of far behind the planet was an orange, mopey glow that could debatably be called a sun. This was it. [color=skyblue]"Okay, we're here, everyone. Get ready fer'a landing."[/color] As Vorra hit the landing protocol on her dash, the planet slowly began to grow bigger off the windshield, which was progressively getting foggier and foggier. They emerged from the sky near a valley with the sun high in the clouds, the wind blowing hard against the ship, but unnoticeably so; their targeted place wasn't very far. Formalis was a very quiet place, herds of oryx-esque mammals big enough to mount as steeds lept away over hills into peace as they descended. Off in the distance stood high, stoic mountains that broke the pale background with their dark, gleaming colors. There wasn't much in terms of civilization, but humanoid figures could be seen in small groups, off far away with staves to walk through the snow with. Once they made contact with the ground, roughly 30 feet of space between them and the two ships that had crashed, it was time for work. One of the ships was an aerial APC designed for transporting workers, everyone inside being dead with missing bodies. The other was much bigger and bulkier, it was for cargo. One could assume that they were going to set up shop here and take the place over for the government. [color=skyblue]"Well, here we are."[/color]