[quote=@mattmanganon] [@Yam I Am] Nice advice, but at the same time, i want to run a Nation RP because i think the setting lends itself very well to a nation-based setting, rather than a singular RP. I'm looking for political intrigue based on nations vying for power over the skies as they perform chest beating with their mighty skyships. Plus, i don't have an idea for an Advanced RP. I mean, if it flops, it flops, but i'd rather fail to get the RP that i want to run going, than run an RP that i have no idea where it's going or what to do with it. [/quote] See, i'm actually glad you mention this, because this does - interestingly enough - give me a bit of a point of discussion to go from. After talking around with some fellow NRPers over the years, i've noticed that there's a fairly common consensus that most Nation RPs can be run just as Advanced RPs. Before my time here, this was actually how it was done, from what i've been told; Anyone who wanted to even [i]run[/i] an NRP back on The Day[sup]TM[/sup] had to do so in the Advanced RP section. But likewise, when thinking about how most players tend to RP in Nation RP posts as it is, a lot of posts are almost entirely centered around just one or two characters from that country. Usually, these end up being presidents, kings, representatives...otherwise, characters from a specific point of view that would - all things considered - work just as well in a regular Advanced RP as it does in an NRP. Hell, even with just a little bit of retouching and rewording, you could probably run the exact same concept you have with [i]much[/i] better reception if you give it an Interest Check in Advanced RP than...well, to put it frankly, dead silence that's been here. I hope it's something to think about, anyway. And if this isn't enough to convince you (which I understand - sometimes filling an NRP desire is notoriously difficult), then i'd say that the sheer increase in potential viewercount/interest in Advanced RP should be enough to consider.