Frug could see smoke in the distance, perhaps that is his lab, he thought. He looked around and found that his knapsack had made it thru the black hole, and still intact. Just to be sure tho, he sat down and emptied the contents onto the ground. "Alright,let's see here, twisty thingy, check, other twisty thingy, yup, spool of multi colored yarn, hammer, nails, broken level, rolled up wire... Frug shakes a small metallic box, and begins to buzz "Ahhh, my buzz box." "Let's see what else I have." He continues pulling gadgets, gizmos, and other junk out of his bag. "Oh, what's this?" He ponders as he removes a five day old tuna sandwich. "How did you get in there?" Frug took a bite of the moldy, stinky sandwich, "Hmmmm, just like mommy always made." He sat there and enjoyed his little snack, but when he was done, he had nothing to wash it down with. Frug stared at the mess that lay before him, "Maybe a little nap first, then I'll have the energy to pick all that up."