[hr][hr] [center][h1][sub][i][color=E137E3]Alina Leora Kim[/color][/i][/sub][/h1] — [b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b] — [img]https://img.wattpad.com/f9e2a233ea618cfe0522c55a8f842b8e6b7b2d58/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f43305f7a70486d73656b6f4e74773d3d2d3730323534343436362e313538383933363739373033383130343736353233373732373634382e676966[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Iris Cabin; Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Julie Sanders[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] The sound of a light snore could be heard emanating from the bed of Alina Kim. First day of the summer, first day of the year. Neither mattered to her so she had no intentions of joining in this morning's early game of knock your fellow idiots off a Tower. If she could she would've slept through the entire day, but someone with a possible death wish decided to interrupt her slumber. Alina could feel her body being nudged and a pestering voice repeating the phrase, "Wake up." Alina let out an exaggerated groan showing she was displeased with this sudden wake up call. She stretched out her body before bringing it back to a relaxed state. She scratched the top of her satin bonnet and looked in the eyes of her alarm clock. [color=E137E3]"What is it that you want?"[/color] "You said to wake you up if you overslept." Said the young Julie Sanders. She was a blonde fourteen year old daughter of Hermes who for some odd reason had taken a liking to Alina and treated her like a big sister despite them not having the same godly parent. Alina tolerated her and used her on occasion as a personal assistant. But the kid honestly wasn't half bad. Except during moments like this. [color=E137E3]"I said no such thing."[/color] "Yes, you did." Alina was going to start a back and forth with the girl, but realized it and paused before saying, [color=E137E3]"Well, I changed my mind. Don't ever wake me up. I don't care if you think I'm dead. Just don't do it. Are they done with the Obstacle Tower?"[/color] Julie nodded showing that she understood as well as answering Alina's question. "Yes, Pierre won." [color=E137E3]"Pierre? What'd he do? Put the rest of the competition to sleep?"[/color] "No, everyone else got distracted by the Ares Cabin. But you missed something important. Erin has a quest. She was accused of stealing Aphrodite's Dove and must prove her innocence or else she'll be handed over to Ares." [color=E137E3]"Oh."[/color] "Oh?" [color=E137E3]"You said important. I kind of expected more."[/color] "More than a quest? You're not worried about Erin?" [color=E137E3]"More than the incompetency of the gods and of course not. Erin's a big girl. She can take care of herself. Plus the princess has a whole entourage of people willing to protect and die for her. She'll be fine."[/color] "You don't want to go on the quest? I'd love to go on one... get the chance to be a hero and see the world." [color=E137E3]"Put my life on the line for a stupid dove? I don't think so. And no you don't. They're overrated and are just a way for our parents to get us to solve their problems for them."[/color] "Oh..." Julie dropped her head in disappointment. She heard about all the different stories about quests and the heroes of the past and she wanted so much to be like them. She thought Alina was like them. Alina couldn't stand to see her like that. She didn't want to crush the kid's spirit. This is why she shouldn't be awakened in the morning. or in the afternoon or---well, you get the picture. She lifted her hand to Julie's chin and gave it a light push so she could look at her. [color=E137E3]"What I mean is if you're going to go on a quest make sure it's one that's worth it. Not a mission of lost and found. Now go. Now that I'm up I'll have to get dressed."[/color] Julie smiled and Alina smiled in return before she watched the young camper run out of her room and shut the door behind her. As soon as the door closed Alina's smile faded. She reached for the brim of her comforter and pulled it over her head before collapsing back onto her pillow.