“How intriguing…” Freyr murmured in response to Rareth. She blew out her lips as she thought of it, her eyebrows raised. “This changes things completely. I won’t take up any more of your time with questions right now, Datius. I’ll watch the recordings and talk to Wetherall and Ngata as a first step.” Freyr smiled at Nirann once he appeared. “I’m glad to see the consolidation was successful! What’s up?” She listened to his proposal, nodding a few times. “Yes, I think I agree with you. I’m not sure the other people you have to convince will see it that way, though. Put it in a written proposal anyway, and I'll present it as one of the options. Please include how long you’ll need to get the destination gate in-situ. I assume you don’t have all the parts available on Outremer? You’ll need to repurpose an existing one or something?”