[centre][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU-mhxcDv8I&ab_channel=MonkeyTrouble[/youtube][/centre] As Leo made his way towards the cafeteria, he was surprised to see how crowded the corridors were as more than a few people walked together in the same direction. At first in dribs and drabs, but then the hallways quickly became more congested further along as staff and patients alike left their rooms. Sensing the urgency in the air, all thoughts of cooked salmon left Leo's mind as he recognized a passing knight, the very one who retrieved him from the battle earlier, and called out to him, "Ho there friend, what's going on?" "I'm not your friend, Spider," the knight answered curtly as he continued moving without pause. "And the king is about to make a speech. Hobble faster if you want to see." Doing precisely just that, Leo practically hopped after the knight and abandoned the use of his crutches as he entered the crowded cafeteria. All heads were turned towards the holoscreen at the side of the room where sure enough the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/474x/9b/c8/fd/9bc8fde22ed3ba2e8f3ef124917f28ca--character-portraits-character-ideas.jpg]king of Belisio[/url] himself was displayed, dressed in full regalia with crown and raiment. His dark brown eyes betrayed no emotion as he stared directly into the camera, but for the briefest flicker of a moment that only Leo could perceive with his heightened reflexes, the king's mouth trembled slightly before firming in resolve. With a nod to someone offscreen, he returned his eyes to the camera, cleared his throat and began to speak, "Citizens of Belisio, as of the immediate present, the forces of Vaim have breached the kingdom's borders and our most valiant defenders, the Hearthguard, are currently engaged in battle at Presper to repel them. In this, our most dire hour, I speak now to remind us all that we have faced this situation before. As a hundred years ago, the Vaimese hegemony sought to conquer our lands, but we pushed them back and still we stand. Frustrated by our victory, the Sorcerer King then sought to destroy the world, reducing it to its current state so that none might have it if he could not and yet still we stand. And now, once again, the enemy seeks to invade our homes, but we will stand. Fierce, proud and indomitable. Citizens, soldiers, countrymen, I say to you all that we will stand and not give a single step back. Not a single step! We've beaten them once before and shall do so again. Now stand each and everyone of you, and show what it means to cross a Belisian. Show what it means to dare the strength of our spirits and ire, and to the utmost of your energies, let the enemy know regret. May Gaia have mercy upon them for we shall have none to spare!"