[quote]Ivory Flash, we have orders for you. It has come to our attention that various criminals guilty of high treason against our glorious Federation have been spotted orbiting a planet we aim to colonize. Recently the colony we sent there was taken out upon arrival. Whether the vagrants did it themselves or otherwise, we know where they are. Your orders are to pursue them, and get rid of them immediately. Coordinates and information will be sent to your exo-suit's network shortly.[/quote] Michael sighed as he saw the message on his omni-tool, and went over to change to his pilot suit before entering his Mech, from where he reviewed the information promised to him. The dossiers shown on the mech's screen gave details of the criminals in question, an Android, a Vyexul, and a few Human subversives - These would not be easy pickings, especially as he was only going to bring one transport and resupply ship with him, one instructed [i]not[/i] to try and help him when the combat started. Once said supply ship was safely requisitioned, he would ask its captain to speed all course for Formalis, where he planned to engage a few criminals in a firefight. After asking them who [i]really[/i] killed the colonists on the planet, of course - He had a sneaking suspicion that those specific criminals were innocent of that particular crime. And who knows, maybe [i]Ascot[/i] would be there too... [@Blizz]