[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/BQEagzF.png[/img] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Afternoon [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Headed to the Town Square from the Tailor, River Port [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Dreamingflowers] Nur [/center] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center] Unamused. That was the expression on the tailor's feline face as Nur paid for his services and even the expression he held as the two left the shop. [Color=mediumpurple]"Well now that we're looking even nicer than before… Let's head to the next shop!"[/color] Darius was all in all still in a great mood with Nur as company. He presented his arm to Nur and held his instrument in his free hand. Perhaps he needed a strap for it, but that was a solution for another time. [Color=mediumpurple]"I think the convenience store might be our next stop. Meant to go there yesterday but… Oh hey!"[/color] Darius gave a smile as he greeted a dog that appeared to be a border collie. It approached him with a slip of paper in its mouth. Darius raised an eyebrow and passed his instrument into his other hand before grabbing the paper and giving it a look. It was slightly wet with saliva, but Darius knew it couldn't really be helped since the messenger was a friendly canine. Getting a closer look at the slip of paper, he furrowed his brow. [Center][Color=azure][i]Meeting Hall tomorrow at 2[/i][/color][/center] Darius seemed to read over the short cryptic message a few times and even flipped it over to get something more from it. A light sigh escaped him before he smiled at the dog. [Color=mediumpurple]"Oh thanks buddy… but not interested."[/color] Darius patted the dog on the head and happily handed back the slip of paper back to the dog who whined in response. [Color=mediumpurple]"Sorry."[/color] Darius apologized as he returned his instrument to his free hand. [Color=mediumpurple]"What was I saying? Oh yeah, let's hit the convenience store. I think I saw it around the corner from here yesterday. Past the park, I think."[/color] He continued with the conversation, but kept the strange encounter in mind. [Color=mediumpurple][i]Avalia is just too random sometimes.[/i][/color]