Hey there! My name is Catherine, AKA Cat. I’m a horror writer by day, and an avid roleplayer…also by day. Pretty much if I’m awake, and in the mood to write, I’ll roleplay. I’ve writing and roleplaying for over fifteen years and prefer multi-paragraph, form. I adore stories with a little bit of everything. If I feel the world has been lovingly crafted, I’ll give it a shot, I’m not biased. I just really enjoy writing with others, since I write so much on my own. I have my own universe, Asonica that I’ve been working on for a few years now. There’s multiple planes of existence, each with its own native races. There is a human plane, yes, but mostly I focus on the other ones—where the supernatural and mythical races reside. Maybe I’ll run a story in Asonica here, sometime. Who knows? Anyway, I’m excited to write with some of you lovely people!