[Center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/604843275974737940/803701226432626768/rosarina_band.jpg[/img] [h2][color=f7941d]Rosarina Loraven[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=f7941d]After a day of guarding the village's hunting party, Rosaria returned ready for a well earned rest. The hunting party delivered their quarry to those better skilled at skinning, gutting, and smoking. A hot meal and even hotter bath eased the muscles worked on the hunt and as the sun begun to set it was time for the elf to slumber. Her dreams begun as they always did; a vast opened field and the sound of crashing waves. She didn't know the location and yet it was always one of comfort. Her birthplace, perhaps? She would never know. She ran along, laughing at nothing in particular before finding respite in the tall blades of the meadow's blue grass.[/color] [i][color=00aeef]"Rosarina,"[/color][color=f7941d] an unfamiliar voice called to her, drawing the young elf from her peace. Ember eyes look about, no longer in the calm of the meadow. A ghostly hand reached out to her,[/color] [color=00aeef]"come, brave soul, I have something you must see."[/color] [color=f7941d]Intrigued, she rose and moved towards the vanishing hand. The scenery lurched from the comforts of her bedroom to the dark interior of a cavern. Her eyes took in her surroundings, a natural instinct. An egg, nestled in enchanted parchment, her eyes grew wide as she took in its detail.[/color] [color=00aeef]"Vaeros, the dragon of dread. Long has he slumbered, in wait for the day when he may awaken in his fury."[/color] [color=f7941d]Rosarina gulped down a breath, a shiver running down her spine. She knew the name, every sentient soul of Valeroma knew that wretched name. A hand, not her own, reached out to remove the parchment and she felt her stomach drop. "NO!" Her attempt to cry out was voiceless and useless.[/color] [color=00aeef]"That day has come.[/color] [color=f7941d]Rosarina fell to her knees as she watched the vision unfold. No, her mind repeated over and over, no![/color] [color=00aeef]“He will wreathe the world in flame. Ashes and shadow will bind you and all of Valeroma to a living death none may escape...”[/color] [color=f7941d]The scent of fire and ash was all too familiar to Rosarina and she flinched as it over took her olfactory senses. She didn't want to open her eyes to the sight, a sight she had feared since her own fire had first risen from her fingertips. She knew the voices all too well, her village, the men and women who had raised her and the sound of the children she was in turn helping to raise; like sick and twisted laughter the voices clawed at her mind.[/color] [color=00aeef]“No one can stand in his way. All you hold dear will vanish.”[/color] [color=f7941d]Her senses calmed, the scene having changed once more. She stood on the plateau and took in the form of the others before all six faded beneath her. She was no longer in her own body, which would have been more alarming had this not been a visionary experience already.[/color] [color=00aeef]“But not all is as hopeless as it seems.”[/color] [color=f7941d]The voice returned to its softer tone as the slim figure of a young, red-haired woman appears in the midst of the circle. Her hair and clothes whipping around her body as if a strong wind is blowing, though there was no breeze. Unblinking eyes gaze deeply at the elf, the figure's slender hand rising from her side. It is all too familiar, the hand which drew Rosarina into this vision. The red head's lips part and the quiet but firm voice slips from between them.[/color] [color=00aeef][center]“Six in tide, Six are true Six to be lead by a spirit of hue Long awaited in the endless sin They are the saviors of many a skin While they live, he cannot survive While he is here, they cannot thrive”[/center][/color] [color=f7941d]A small smile appears on the red head's face as her hand returns to her side. Rosarina's brow furrows, confused by this sudden change in expression.[/color] [color=00aeef]“This second verse of the prophesy has long since been forgotten by the peoples of Valeroma, but that does not make them any less true. You have been chosen since before your birth, Vivian, Odran, Zav, Kassandra, Calit, Rosarina, to uphold this prophesy. Only by banding together to confront Vaeros is there any hope for Valeroma. Without you, Valeroma will fall.”[/color] [color=00aeef]The figure's eyes darken in a glare as a playful pout plays on her lips.[/color] [color=00aeef]“If this is not motivation enough to take this vision seriously, so help me I will haunt you every night and you will never ever have another restful sleep again, is that understood? Now, watch and listen carefully.”[/color] [color=f7941d]The woman raises her arms until they create a semi-circle above her head. Between her arms a map appears, marking where the pyromancer's village is located. It shifts and moves across the land as a drawn line connects Rosarina's village to a place on the map called The Forsaken Grove.[/color] [color=00aeef]“Be here in two day’s time, before dawn. There I will meet you and speak with you further, but for now I must go.”[/color][/i] [hr] [color=f7941d]The elf started from her sleep as the candle in its lantern on the side table flared at the same moment, a deafening crack and shattering of glass breaking the silence. With a sharp hiss, she drew her hands inwards to her body and frowned at the blackened tips of her fingers as a hot surge of pain flared from fingertip to spinal cord.[/color] "Rina, are you alright?" [color=f7941d]A soft voice resonating through the rooms as footfalls brought the other elven woman's figure into view. She paused in the doorway to take in the sight before shaking her head and crossing the room. Whilst she moved, the blonde drew a cloth from the side table and dipped it into a shallow bowl of water.[/color] "You really must be more careful," [color=f7941d]She scolded kindly and pressed the cool cloth against Rosarina's fingers. A troubled smile rose to the pyromancer's lips as she glanced up with her head still bowed to watch the blonde elf. The vision still playing at the back of her mind. She had to get going, there was no time to waste. Yet... she took in the sight of her dearest friend, the smile slipping.[/color] "I shall be fine, Dionae, it was a bad dream, n-nothing more." [color=f7941d]They held each other's gaze a split second, Rosarina turning her face away. She never had been a good liar.[/color] "You do not honestly expect me to believe that, do you?" [color=f7941d]The blonde countered and shifted her position to sit more comfortably at the edge of the bed.[/color] "Was it about your parents or the accident?" "Neither," [color=f7941d]the fire elf answered before letting out a long breath of a sigh.[/color] "I have to get to the Forsaken Grove." "No," [color=f7941d]the blonde shook her head immediately.[/color] "There is a reason it is called Forsaken, I will not let you." "You are no longer in charge of me, Di. We are equals in status among the village." [color=f7941d]Rosarina attempted to offer a playful smile but the seriousness in her faintly glowing ember eyes betrayed the effort.[/color] "I must go. I-I cannot explain it but you need to trust me." [color=f7941d]Dionae arched forward with the agility befitting her hunters occupation, wrapping arms around Rosarina and holding the other elf close for a moment. The blonde huffed and drew back to rise from the bed.[/color] "It is a three day journey, at least. You will need rations," [color=f7941d]the archer begun flittering about the room, grabbing this and that to pack.[/color] "I have to be there in two days time." [color=f7941d]Rosarina noted with an arch of her brow as she climbed from the bed and changed into her hunting gear.[/color] "If I can take one of the horses, I can make it in time." [color=f7941d]Dionae paused, turning her head to peer at the red head in thought. She gave a nod as she turned and dropped a leather backpack on the table.[/color] "Take Kalondar, since you do not have your own horse yet." [color=f7941d]Rosarina pulled Dionae into another embrace as she mumbled a 'thank you' to the other elf. The pair finished packing up and managed not to raise any others as they made their way to the stables. After saddling up the red dun [i]Paso Fino[/i] horse, the two women bid their farewells before Rosarina mounted and took off into the night. She would maintain a steady pace until sunrise, when she could see her path more clearly.[/color] [hr] [center][i]Before Dawn, Two Days Later[/i][/center] [color=f7941d]Making it to the grove, just in time, Rosarina dismounted and walked with Kalondar to the clearing shown in the vision. She patted his neck as they walked, whispering calming words and offering her thanks for the animal's hard work. Her ember eyes left off a faint glow beneath the shade of the drawn hood of her cloak, her spare hand upon the hilt of her blade. She spotted the sleeping elf easily enough and could only assume that she was one of the others called forth from their home by the prophetic vision. Her defensive posturing softened a touch as she led the horse to a tree and looped his reigns over a low-hanging branch. Seeing only the other elf, Rosarina went about her own business as quietly as possible so not to disturb the slumbering woman. She fetched neatly folded cured leather from one of the saddle bags and propped the four sides open with sticks from the ground. Of the few non-combat magic items she owned, her ever-filling waterskin was in many ways among her favorites. After pouring water into the make-shift trough, she looped the strap of the waterskin over her shoulder and knelt down. She peeled off her gloves, exposing the charred and burnt flesh of her hands, before scooping some of the water to splash her face. It had been a long forty-eight hours since she had left her home with the vision haunting what little sleep she'd been able to get. A moment passed, Kalondar dropped his head into the water and gave it a splash before pressing his nuzzle in to draw in the cool liquid. Rosarina smiled, rubbing a flat hand along the white stripe of the dun's face. Rising from her position, she pulled her gloves back on and looked about once more. Something was off, she could feel it, something watching her. Was it friend or foe? Could it be the mysterious red head from the vision? She was not certain but knew that if she didn't pull her mind from the feeling, she would only grow more paranoid. Sighing and shaking her head, she grabbed a handful from her rations and moved to sit beneath the tree Kalondar was bound to. To wait was all she could think to do for the time being, wait and listen for the four other 'Chosen Ones' to arrive.[/color]