[color=f23822]Roger D’Monty[/color] The young capybara yawned as his Introduction to English Literature class ended. He guessed he hadn’t slept well the night before, judging on how heavy his eyes were. He held in a second yawn, as he viewed a second one would be rude to Professor Valiant. Roger generally cared about the goat’s opinion and wished to stay in his good graces. To that end he planned to get a head start on the reading the professor had assigned. While Roger had already known that he would be reading it this semester as he had to buy it in advance, Professor Valiant had stated they would be working with the novel Around the World in Eighty Days. While Roger had seen movies based on his books, he had never actually read the works of Jules Verne. In fact Roger didn’t recall ever reading a book as old as this one. Still, he had heard that Verne was a father of science fiction alongside H.G. Wells, another man that Roger had only seen the movies based on his works. So that seemed to mean that it would be a good read. Seeing that he had a few hours before his next class, Roger decided to head back to his dorm to start reading the novel. It took several to get back to the dorms, but Roger didn’t mind as the cold winter air woke him up some. By the time he entered the dorm, he felt fully awake. As he made his way up the stairs to the floor he lived on, he immediately heard a pounding bass. Once Roger got to his floor, it became clear that someone was blasting music. Roger tried to ignore as he entered his room, grabbing his copy of the assigned novel. He then tried reading it, but found that after one minute that he kept rereading the first page as he couldn’t focus. Letting out an exasperated sound, Roger left his room, novel in hand. For a split second he considered the notion of complaining about the noise, only to decided that he didn’t want to be known as a buzz kill. After all he would have to coexist with his dorm neighbours for the foreseeable future. Instead, Roger left the dorm and headed to the library, the one place he could guarantee a quiet environment. As soon as Roger entered the library he noticed how unusually busy it was. It seemed like every seat was taken, that was until Roger saw a very large bear get out of a seat that was clearly too small for him. Roger made a beeline for the seat, sitting on it before anyone else got a chance. With a sigh, Roger took out the novel and began reading chapter one.