[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4oQPg8P.png[/img][/center] [color=C83339]Time:[/color] Afternoon [color=77289B]Location:[/color] The forest, now closer to River Port [color=C83339]Interactions:[/color] [@Helo][@Tae][@Potter] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DktY6jW.png[/img][/center] [color=77289B]”Alright well, I will join you for now. I am not sure about large groups of humanoids though but we will see how it goes.”[/color] Ezeri said in response to Elsea and Corvina. She listened to Cade as he spoke and then added, [color=77289B]” I’m fine with no breaks. I will see for myself, but I have never met a kind demon so I think you should be wary of their trickery. “[/color] Mel interjected [color=C83339]“Yeah fuck demons. All they ever do is kill our kind.”[/color] Ezeri sighed when he spoke up. [color=C83339]“If your “friends” cause anything with us I will not hesitate to kill them.”[/color] Mel said aggressively while holding his tail showing them its stinger. [color=77289B]“Mel this is exactly why I told you to silence yourself.”[/color] Ezeri replied in displeasure. [color=77289B]"Anyway, we should get moving."[/color]