[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210204/81d13aea877b7169ccfd3d1eee5d405b.png[/img][/center] [color=848482]Tension showed itself in the form of bristled fur and bared fangs. Jaystar and Wolfheart stood tall next to one another, speaking words of war. Ashenpaw's ears flattened against her head. What Tigershine said was true. How could they prove that DuskClan killed Russetfern? She jumped a little when Squirrelpaw suddenly appeared next to her. [b][color=E66C2C]"Russetfern's dead. The medicine cat patrol from last night found him in the Moonbrook,"[/color][/b] she whispered to her sister. [b][color=E66C2C]"Jaystar and Wolfheart say that Foxstar has to pay."[/color][/b] [b]"I don't think you realize that what you're about to do is start a [i]war[/i]."[/b] Tigershine's voice was uncharacteristically low and stormy. [b]"If you choose to get your bee-brained revenge, then so be it. Medicine cats don't have a say in the ways of war. But realize you will be spilling the innocent blood."[/b] Jaystar hissed. [b]"Innocent blood has already been spilled, Tigershine. The proof rests at your paws!"[/b] [b][color=E66C2C]"I don't want there to be a war..."[/color][/b] Ashenpaw murmured more to herself than to Squirrelpaw. [b]"Hey, so..."[/b] Stoatpaw had followed Squirrelpaw out of the apprentice den, [b]"do ya think that Jaystar will make us warriors, now? So there's more warriors in BirchClan, and all."[/b][/color]