[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210130/e0cb160ca3d86f8cb8540be25e5665b5.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#98A9B1][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Dungeon -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [i]What else was there to say?[/i] He was busy wiping off the blood from his sword; something he’d never had to do before. He looked back to the wall murals and back to Aag’s group. [color=98A9B1]“It looks like your path will have more combat, but I believe your party will put out higher DPS.”[/color] They did have some high ranked DPS players, after all.[color=98A9B1] “We have good agility and survivability with Rael and Graves on our team. I think whatever secrets behind these totems and a chasm can be figured out by my group.”[/color] He turned back, before feeling something. A pang of worry, deep within his stomach. [i]Why did it feel so...scary? It was just a dungeon. But the gore, the smells...this wasn’t a halloween or April Fool’s trick. This all felt...too realistic. Like someone had modded the game. Maybe in America violence of this level was fine...but not in Japan. Someone would lose their job over this.[/i] [color=98A9B1]“Look, whatever’s going on in the game...whatever the dev’s are pulling suddenly…”[/color] Benkei struggled with compassion to anyone beyond his brother, but these people actually believed in him. For the first time, Benkei felt a tinge of hope that maybe he could belong somewhere. [color=98A9B1]“Something feels wrong abou...all of this. Be careful.”[/color] He made his way facing the entryway into his group’s chosen path. He waved at Aag, Luci and the rest of their group. [color=98A9B1]“We’ll see you on the other side!”[/color] He called, doing his best to smile. Ahead lay darkness and danger, the unknown of a brand new dungeon. Benkei’s heart began to pound rhythmically, just like every time his parents began to fight. [i]It will be over soon,[/i] he tried to convince himself. [/indent] [/indent] [/indent]