[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210204/8338c1d7831e4c52a673a8e4bc3ca3fa.png[/img][/center] [b]"What?"[/b] Squirrelpaw's voice was strained as she craned her head around the larger cats to see Russetfern's body resting inside the circle of her clanmates. [b]"That's crazy,"[/b] she shook her head, [b]"They can't be serious, it's just the shock of it right now. Once the tensions die down they'll realize war is a bad idea, right?"[/b] [color=0072bc][b]"It's been more than just Russetfern,"[/b][/color] Wolfheart growled, [color=0072bc][b]"Other cats have been murdered and the longer we wait the more innocents that die."[/b][/color] He looked to Jaystar, [color=0072bc][b]"The other clans wouldn't stand for this either. I know for a fact that Emberstar wouldn't."[/b][/color] If they got ThornClan on their side as well then there was a chance that they could catch DuskClan unawares. The main concern would be trying to fight them in those narrow tunnels. They'd have to find a way to lure them out into the open where there was a better chance of victory. Finchwing pushed herself to her feet from where she was sitting next to Russetfern's body, [b]"If we attack DuskClan without giving them a chance to defend themselves then we're no better than the fleabags who did this. We could at least wait until the next Gathering and speak of it then, or just ask them to turn over whoever is responsible rather than attacking blindly."[/b] [color=0072bc][b]"If we wait that long there's a chance someone else will be killed!"[/b][/color] Wolfheart shot back at the brown furred warrior who bristled in response. She couldn't be serious. How could she be so willing to let DuskClan get away with this? Russetfern was a warrior just like her, younger than her, and she was willing to let his murderer go unpunished. His tail lashed and his eyes narrowed at the she-cat. Squirrelpaw brushed her pelt against Ashenpaw, [b]"Me neither, but I don't want anyone else to be murdered in cold blood either."[/b] Her head swiveled around as Stoatpaw approached and bristled slightly at her sibling's words. [b]"Russetfern was just murdered, maybe have some respect for once,"[/b] she turned her back, [b]"Besides we don't know if we're going to be fighting anyways."[/b]