Squeezing his hand softly, Elisabeth sat there and listened to his story. Even before the words came out, she knew there would be trouble. Pain was evident on his face, but she didn’t know why that would be. They were together again – wasn’t that a good thing? He got the words out…somehow. Ezner was free, she couldn’t believe it! It was only trills before he completely broke down in front of her. Elisabeth moved quickly, instinctively. There was no thought – just movement. Slipping between his legs on the step below the one he sat on – the position ensuring he looked at her and only her – Elisabeth gently took his face in her hands, head softly pressed against his forehead. He needed to feel her there, the weight of her presence. The young woman let him sob, knowing the healing power of such things. He needed to acknowledge what he was feeling but she wasn’t going to let it go on for long. She was done with tears where he was concerned. He was there. He was free….and she was going to help with whatever he needed help with. Speaking softly, she gently caressed his face. [b] “Ezner, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I was out of the city for a bit but I’m back now. You found me. You. You walked past my new house, that you didn’t even know I had, and found me. The time for sad tears is over. You have your entire life in front of you now and I’m here to help with whatever is making you feel this way. We can talk and work out everything. I can’t promise I will understand sometimes, but I will always do whatever I can you make sure there are no more sad tears.” [/b] Looking up at him with concerned sapphire eyes, she again began wiping the tears away, hoping that something, anything that she said found its way to him. [b]“Just tell me…one word at a time. Whatever comes to your mind first. What hurts you?”[/b] It was going to be a slow process and she had no idea if she possessed the right skills to help him navigate the minefield he was facing…but she cared and sometimes that was enough to effect change.