[@Kenshi][@darkred][@Letmehaveone2] Jesse had seen the flash as well, and became even more confused. It was bizarre enough to wind up in this intact city that was better than he could even imagine the Old World being, but it seemed other here were as confused as him, so maybe they were in similar situations. Jesse took after John, hearing “stop!” but thinking it was intended for someone else in this congested city, when someone knocked him to the ground and was on top of him. A burly man wearing a uniform similar to the ones Nobility soldiers wore, albeit much cleaner, was attempting to pin him to the ground. Jesse leveraged the man’s weight to turn the tables and smash the cop’s head into the pavement. The cop’s hand went for a taser on his hip, but Jesse was quicker. As soon as the cop grabbed the taser, his head was cut away from the nose up. Then Jesse turned and shot another officer in the eye as the officer was drawing his gun. Civilians all around panicked, running in all directions. As Ash was heading to the source of the flash, two cops appeared in front of him, weapons drawn. “Freeze!” [@ZAVAZggg][@dark cloud] As Teo and Tails enjoyed their quiche, the commotion with Jesse, Ash, and the gnome could be heard in the distance. More urgent than that, however, was a menacing scream of aggression coming from a man approaching them. Or it might have once been a man, but was more of a monster now. This creature...some kind of zombie, came up to their table carrying an axe, wielding it over its head, about to strike.