[@Kenshi] The cop who cocked his gun got a bullet in his hand, causing him to drop his gun and yell in terror. The other cop ducked behind a cop car door as the first cop received more bullet wounds, fatal this time. “Dropping your gun, at a time like this.” Jesse said, shaking his head, and aiming his gun where the other cop ducked “Is this your first rodeo?” Jesse didn’t know what a rodeo was, just knew that it was an ages old saying where he was from. The minute the cop peaked out just a little, he too, was shot dead. “You know how to use one of these?” He asked, referring to the car. [@ZAVAZggg] At first the oil seemed to have no effect, but when the deadite smashed the axe down, destroying the table, it slipped from the force of the act. It even dropped the axe, giving Teo and Tails time for further action.