[center][h3][color=151617][b]| [/b][/color][color=7d98a1][b]CONTRAPTIONS[/b][/color][color=151617][b] |[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hider=Contraptions][color=cccccc]Contraptions are the crazed inventions of the greatest monster minds. If taking one of these as your valuable item at character creation, remove the negative aspect that makes this Volatile. When making Contraptions, Volatile aspects only affect potions on a Mixed Success. Bear in mind these are just examples. You can make your own contraptions during your downtime.[/color] [b]Auto-Lockpick: [/b] [color=cccccc]Allows you to roll the item's tier against any lock, but is very noisy. [/color] [b]Backpack Catapult: [/b] [color=cccccc]Can launch fairly large stones, but takes up an extra gear or supply slot. [/color] [b]Bear Trap: [/b] [color=cccccc]Latches onto the foot of whoever steps in it, but is really dangerous to pick back up. [/color] [b]Boomstick: [/b] [color=cccccc]Blows something within short range to smithereens, but also hits nearby allies. [/color] [b]Candlehelm: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lights the way in front of you, but drips wax onto your face. [/color] [b]Chainsaw: [/b] [color=cccccc]Can tear through wood and flesh like butter, but merely wielding it is highly dangerous. [/color] [b]Clockwork Servant: [/b] [color=cccccc]Can do one specific task that it's programmed to do, but rusts easily. [/color] [b]Concoction-Loader: [/b] [color=cccccc]Shoots a concoction a great distance, but is really cumbersome to carry. [/color] [b]Corner Mirror: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lets you see around corners, but is easily broken. [/color] [b]Electromagnet: [/b] [color=cccccc]Strongly attracts metal, but shocks the hell out of you when you turn it off. [/color] [b]Escape Balloon: [/b] [color=cccccc]Can pull you up into the air, but is almost impossible to control. [/color] [b]Flamethrower: [/b] [color=cccccc] Fires jets of white hot fire, but the fuel tank is very vulnerable and fuel is limited. [/color] [b]Gas Mask: [/b] [color=cccccc]Ignores the effects of gases, but you can barely see while wearing it. [/color] [b]Glider: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lets you control your descent, but it's absolutely terrifying. [/color] [b]High Pitch Whistle: [/b] [color=cccccc]Can only be heard by dogs and similar beasts, but gives you a headache. [/color] [b]Laser Eye: [/b] [color=cccccc]Fires a laser out of one of your eyes, but you have BRAINS shock while it recharges. [/color] [b]Lighter: [/b] [color=cccccc]Easily ignites flammable materials, but breaks easily [/color] [b]Mining Drill: [/b] [color=cccccc]Bores through stone very quickly, but gives -1d on calamity rolls when used in the dungeon [/color] [b]Monacle Spyglass: [/b] [color=cccccc]Sees objects far away as if they were up close, but disorients you. [/color] [b]Night-Vision Goggles: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lets you see in the dark, but blinds you if you look directly at a light source. [/color] [b]Parachute: [/b] [color=cccccc]Slows your fall, but you still hit the ground pretty hard. [/color] [b]Portable Trampoline: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lets you jump higher than you otherwise could, but is hard to put away. [/color] [b]Rapid-Reload Crossbow: [/b] [color=cccccc]Never requires pausing to reload, but sometimes misfires. [/color] [b]Retract-o-Claw: [/b] [color=cccccc]Clamps onto whatever it's shot at, but retracts very slowly. [/color] [b]Robotic Limb: [/b] [color=cccccc]Replaces a hacked off limb, but seems to have a mind of its own. [/color] [b]Rocket Boots: [/b] [color=cccccc]Let you briefly move incredibly fast, but always launch you out of them at the end. [/color] [b]Rocket Pack: [/b] [color=cccccc]Allows you to soar through the sky at rapid speeds, but can go off at any time. [/color] [b]Rope Launcher: [/b] [color=cccccc]Sends a rope flying a great distance, but requires time to wind it up. [/color] [b]Shockstick: [/b] [color=cccccc]Stuns the one you hit with it, but also stuns you. [/color] [b]Snorkel: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lets you breathe underwater, but is easily spotted. [/color] [b]Spring Boots: [/b] [color=cccccc]Let you make one giant leap, but take a long time to reload after use. [/color] [b]Spring-loaded Hidden Dagger: [/b] [color=cccccc]Puts a dagger instantly into your hand, but can randomly activate. [/color] [b]Sticky Gloves: [/b] [color=cccccc]Let you climb up a wall, but you can only reliably move up. [/color] [b]Two-Wheeler: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lets you rapidly move over flat terrain, but the brakes don't work. [/color] [b]Waterbreather: [/b] [color=cccccc]Lets you breathe underwater, but your vision is highly limited. [/color] [b]Welding Torch: [/b] [color=cccccc]Welds metal together with a hot flame, but showers you in sparks. [/color][/hider]