[center][h3][color=151617][b]| [/b][/color][color=79AEA3][b]EDGES[/b][/color][color=151617][b] |[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hider=Edges][color=cccccc]When you improve an existing item, you can give it an Edge. An Edge is a modifier that makes something better at it's job. For granting new abilities, see contraptions - Edges only improve on existing functionality. These are some example Edges, but you can work with me to create new ones. Please note: Edges never make you better at killing things, weapons have already been honed over thousands of years into perfect killing tools.[/color] [i]Camouflaged: [/i] [color=cccccc]Take +effect when sneaking in a forest.[/color] [i]Hidden: [/i] [color=cccccc] Can be hidden more easily than a normal version.[/color] [i]Light: [/i] [color=cccccc]Does not take up a gear slot.[/color] [i]Terrifying: [/i] [color=cccccc] Take +effect when using it to scare someone.[/color] [i]Trusty: [/i] [color=cccccc]Extremely difficult to break or remove from your possession.[/color] [i]Pulverizing: [/i] [color=cccccc]Take +effect when destroying stone or armor.[/color] [i]Powerful: [/i] [color=cccccc]Excels at knocking back enemies.[/color] [/hider]