[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210130/e0cb160ca3d86f8cb8540be25e5665b5.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#98A9B1][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Dungeon -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [color=dc143c]“Y’know, if we fail, ol’ Aag’s will put it all on you. No pressure of anything.”[/color] [color=98A9B1]“I know,” Benkei grumbled. “It’s not you I'm worried about.”[/color] He looked over to the...newbie squadron he’d put together. It was this group he had to watch. This dungeon was such an odd creation, seemingly focused more on support than actual DPS mechanics. That meant that they were going to rely on the weaker members of their team. Spreading out Graves and Rael was still a better idea than having them close to the party; if they started to argue it would distract them and leave them open for attack. Having the two constantly working instead of bickering was the only chance he had of the two actually working well right now. Then Alja started gave her [i]own[/i] idea of how she should play. Which of course, was counter-intuitive to his plan. She was a better tank, but they were already low on DPS, hence why he had her switch to DPS. Graves was the highest DPS player of the group, and used to solo content, having him take a flank alone would work well to his skillset. Rael’s attitude and skillset led her better to run point with the rest of the party giving her backline support and DPS, meaning her taking point in front was smart. Kalie was another high DPS player, but her playstyle was totally different than Graves; she would need the others to draw aggro so she could properly do her rotation. [color=98A9B1]“Graves, you move to the right flank then, Kalie, take the left flank ahead of Alja.”[/color] He turned to the tall woman. [color=98A9B1]“I need you to play both roles today,”[/color] he said, trying to keep his voice as diplomatic as his teenage brain could. He was the [i]leader[/i] but screaming about it would only get him labeled a brat, or a kid, or weak. And he hated any of those labels. [color=98A9B1]“You’re our first and last line of defense for the main group when it comes to melee damage output, and we need to keep aggro on us to allow Graves and Kalie to do their best damage ahead of us.”[/color] Rael’s agility would keep her safe, and with his support tank magic and Seele’s support magic, they could serve to keep the defense up on the front line fighters. [color=A84B5E]“Hn. We got anybody with light or fire magic? Or am I going to have to light a torch here?”[/color] Benkei blinked, realizing the party composition lacked fire. [i]If they’d had Priscilica on their team, it’d be different. But here...multiple wind users, earth, lightning, ice, darkness…[/i] He closed his eyes and thought back to his science classes at school. [color=98A9B1]“Does anyone have any tonic water materials? Seele, you cook, tonic water is a level three item, you wouldn’t happen to have any, would you?”[/color] The idea was simple. Most tonic water contained a chemical named [i]quinine[/i], which if frozen by Alja’s magic, could absorb and emit ultraviolet light, which darkstones (a very common crafting material) emitted. It’s what made them so easy to mine since they tended to light up small caves. If they charged the frozen tonic water with the light from the darkstones, they’d be able to turn any weapon coated with Alja’s Tundra Glass into useable torches, eliminating the need to carry one in hand. Benkei also reached into his bag, producing a small gold ring, holding it out to Rael. [color=98A9B1]“It’s a torchring artifact. I use it when I can’t hold a torch and tank at the same time,”[/color] he remarked, [color=98A9B1]“Since you’ll be taking point, it’d be best used by you.”[/color] [/indent] [/indent] [/indent]