Just as John walked back, a large "STOP" was yelled and the guy who seemed to be following him was suddenly jumped by a guard followed by more cops. But as he eyed the dead cops on the ground, the man who was following him was suddenly running away from what he assumed was the cops chasing after the guy. John Connor eyed Jessie running, and split the scene. He couldn't be caught by the cops in this world right now not now. He eyed the man with the chainsaw hand walking away and the other man now running. The commander of Tech-com could either follow the running man or the chainsaw man? What would lead to less risk? He sighed as he hoped he had picked the less risky of the two individuals and followed Ash. [@Kenshi][@darkred][@Letmehaveone2][@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@Kenshi]