[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/736241819054112823/748849667420454962/Elsa_ID_V1.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/736241819054112823/748850904719032360/Samad_ID_V1.png[/img][/center] [hr] Elsa hated teleportation alchemy. Out of all her options in alchemy, it still gave her dread and anxiety. Her breath fixed in her lungs as it settled down, her body was frozen in place until the experience ended. A tingling raced down her limbs with the sensation of pins and needles. It faded into the air to signal its completion causing her eyes to open. The foilage curled around her legs and grew into a thick jungle setting. She was glad she brought proper attire rather than her casual uniform. The thick humidity blanketed her as she absorbed her position. Terra never gave hints to the location specs when she designed them for the trials. The Chrono felt it risked giving some students unfair advantages from their favorite teachers. Elsa couldn't argue against it since the teachers enjoyed pitting their favorites against each other. Something to chase away the boredom she assumed. The sounds of water rushing along drew Elsa's attention. With a small smirk, she began to carve out a path to the source. Tall trunks began to thin out as a clearing came into view. It didn't take her long to recognize Bella's dark hair and quirky glasses. The words started in Elsa's throat when someone's screams broke the silence. Her head snapped to the side. A dark-haired student, Italian in descent, bolt into the clearing. The girl continued to shout behind her. "Run, you idiots. NOW!" As the student rushed over fallen trees and bushes, Elsa rushed forward. Her arms tossed about Bella's shoulders and immediately pulled themselves down onto the ground. Their figures vanished out of sight as two more boys burst into a small clearing. Elsa's finger pressed against her lips in a universal hush signal. [center]~,~[/center] Samad frowned as they were teleported into the trial grounds. A thick, humid blanketed the Iranian while his eyes scanned the stage for the student's trials. He should've assumed Terra would've picked something green. A sigh slipped from his lips as he began to look toward the trees, a quick judgment over their high ground. With only a bit of help from Alchemy, he managed to scale it to the highest branch. When he finally found purchase on its surface, a scene began to unfurl beneath him. His dark eyes narrowed on someone below. A woman with long, dark hair stood in the open. She appeared to be scanning her whereabouts for other students.