[@TGM] Save for a few spelling errors scattered throughout the sheet, I have no real issues with it. I would like it if you developed her "personal blaster pistol" (name, ammo, etc.) for some minor worldbuilding, but consider yourself [color=green]accepted[/color] regardless. [@DruSM157] I have no issues with Duncan; however, since you did quite some worldbuilding in your sheet, I would appreciate it if you could jot down some notes here and there for the species, planets, etc. you wrote down and send them my way. Maybe you could ask here if anyone has any ideas if you're unsure or want to do some group worldbuilding in the future. Otherwise, consider yourself [color=green]accepted[/color]. [@datadogie] Russell is [color=green]accepted.[/color] However, I would like you to note down more details about Vinula and her family (not in the sheet but here in the OOC or in the discord, I mean) so I can add some more stuff to the worldbuilding. Same with the blaster he has. [@Helios J Mears][@Massacre Moe] Since you guys both went with similar archetypes (security, general handyman, etc.), I decided that it would be best to pick one or the other to avoid too much overlap. Out of the two of you, I think I'd have to go with Sango, as the sheet piqued my interest more than Ultra did. [@Helios J Mears] Now, while I like the idea, there is a lot that is left vague at the same time, such as the mountain lab, the puppets, the experiments, etc. You can consider yourself [color=green]accepted[/color], but I would like those to be developed some more in the coming days so I as the GM can add it into the worldbuilding notes I'm trying to compile and so I have more of an idea as to what to do regarding Sango. As with the others, too, I'd like you to be a little more descriptive with his weaponry as well. [@Jing][@samakama] Putting you two in the same group as you both went for the "android/cyborg/robot raised as someone's child" route. Out of the two, I've decided to choose Tamka to be [color=green]accepted[/color], as the character was able to catch my eye more than the other sheet, and as well the fact we already have a few characters that could fit the navigator role, like Russell. [@samakama] Now I don't see any issues with the sheet, but I do need you to fill out her inventory. [@Dog] I'm going to be honest and say no to Sam, mainly because of overlap issues with a couple characters previously submitted, but also because I think I have a solid enough cast between myself and the rest of the players that have been accepted. [hr][hr] Okay; for those that are [color=green]accepted[/color], you may post your character sheets in the CS tab. However, I want you all (including myself) together two character ties (you can have more than two, but two is the minimum required). A character tie is a previous event of some kind (a battle, a smuggler deal, an intense round of gambling, etc.) between two or more player characters in the roleplay, allowing our characters to know each other before the roleplay starts. I figured this way we can simulate the crew being together for awhile instead of doing the awkward "hey, my name is so and so" approach that many roleplays tend to have. Once you have your two, you are officially done with your character sheet unless you have any other ideas in mind. Also, I should probably mention that your character can have more than three items on their person/in their belongings. I just put three as the minimum so you guys didn't feel forced to fill in a bunch of empty slots.