[quote=@Kuro] [@datadogie] Russell is [color=green]accepted.[/color] However, I would like you to note down more details about Vinula and her family (not in the sheet but here in the OOC or in the discord, I mean) so I can add some more stuff to the worldbuilding. Same with the blaster he has. [/quote] Thank you for accepting me, and no problem! I've written up some details below; Here is the details on the two leading families of the Zejiniko. Vinlula is of the Kitraska family. [hider=The Zejiniko Families of Kitraska and Elaskala] The Zejiniko are technically ruled by one Monarch. That Monarch hails from the family of Kitraska, who have ruled over the Zejiniko for as long as can be remembered. The Monarch, and the Kitraska family as a whole, have full civil power, and ensure the wellbeing of the Zejiniko as a whole, as well as having power over local governments on the Zejiniko homeworld of Listra, it's moon Velopa, as well as other territories controlled by the Zejiniko. Whilst technically ruled by the Monarch, a second family has influence over the Zejiniko; the Elaskala family. Whilst the Kitraska family are the rulers of everything civil, the Elaskala family control the military. This was done a long time ago to ensure that the Kitraska family were held accountable for their actions; if they made a decision for their own selfish benefits, and sacrificed their own people's wellbeing to do so, they could not utilise the military to uphold their decisions by force. On the other hand, the Elaskala family would never attempt a coup, as the Zejiniko people would rise up against them, and it would result in them having power over an unstable, rowdy people - so long as the Kitraska family continued to rule in a way that the people enjoyed, no problems would arise. [/hider] And here is a tidbit on the blaster. Russell retained his after his service to the Kitraska family. If that's not okay, I can change that; [hider=ZR3 "Fangfist" Blaster Pistol] [center][h3][sub]ZR3 "Fangfist" Blaster Pistol[/sub][/h3][/center] The ZR3 was created by the [i]Rascal Arms[/i] weapons manufacturing company, headquartered on the Zejiniko world of Listra. The "Fangfist" as it became called was created as a high price, high performance sidearm for the Zejiniko military, however after having proven it's effectiveness through usage also became the standard sidearm for the Zejiniko Royal Guard and the staff of important figures, such as the staff of the Kitraska and Elaskala families. The pistol is able to fire one hundred and fifteen high powered shots, or nine hundred and twenty low powered shots through the usage of a variable firing mode that amplifies a low powered shot by eight times it's power. The battery is able to be recharged or swapped out. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5a/7d/af/5a7daf9265aaf2218ca9e9498121666a.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider]