[i]scambles in a bit more than fashionably late, bumping into the corner of the wall along the way.[/i] Yes, yes. Creature here! I've been working on the prospective styles of two creatures; [List] [*]Fae, Unseelie courts utilizing Brian Froud artwork for reference [*]Cryptid inspired with a bit of shifter attributes (in the vein of Wessen from tv series Grimm)[/list] Both ideas can be played as either gender, or genderless, depending on how things go. I have ideas, lots of ideas, that I'll be working with [@vampiretwilight] on when things get a touch less hectic irl for me. :D Additionally, free would likely allow more *ahem*fredoom (ba-dum-tsh) for the players to choose their post length depending on the particular scene