[center][color=#40C4FF][h2]Belladonna[/h2][/color][/center] [center][color=#40C4FF][b]Time:[/b][/color] [color=#CFD8DC] Afternoon, Day 2 [color=#40C4FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] By a spring, closer to River Port [color=#40C4FF][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@princess] Malachi ⋆ [@13org] Myra ⋆ [@helo] Valok ⋆ [@Eviledd1984] O'ner [/color][/center][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610975307410964510/3388c70460524d0a49fb42fda3041dea_snow-divider-clipart-1-clip-art-vector-site-_709-132.png?width=400&height=44[/img][/center] [color=silver]Belle watched as Matthis’ staff turned into a scythe and raised an eyebrow. There was something off about him. She couldn’t place it. If she sensed it then surely Malachi would as well, judging by the glance he had. Whatever; that was a problem for another day. She began to eye her comrades. Her gaze flickered to Malachi who glared at her and she returned it. She wasn’t going to sit here and watch them battle; nobody fought for her but herself. Besides, she was used to being in danger and fighting. If he wanted to bitch her at her, she’d only return the favor. Next, she watched Valok summoning dark energy and watched with fascination. He answered her on what the creature was and nodded. She eyed it and defensively began raising more shields around the group. Her mind rattled for ideas on how to use her magic. She wished she had her gun. Ugh! Her eyes then turned to Myra who surprisingly vanished from thin air. That was a cute trick, she thought. It didn’t take long to figure out why; another owlbear appeared. The second owlbear grabbed Valok into a bear hug, pecking at his head. Belladonna stared in horror. Malachi took her shoulder and told her to hold the first one off then moved to go rescue Valok. Belladonna turned to the owlbear in front of her. Her eyes widened as it swiped at her and wasn’t fast enough to move out of the way. She scowled as she held a hand onto her side briefly. It came back red with blood and she glared. This dress was a [i]gift[/i]. Anger boiled to the surface as she menacingly glared at the owlbear. She began forming spheres of water around it and focused on one around its head. Her intention was to begin drowning it. Her concentration hadn’t been higher; she wasn’t even sure she was blinking. Multiple spheres began forming around the owl bear, encasing its hands, legs, and head. The water began to pressurize around it to begin making it difficult to see, hear, or breathe. Drowning was the worst and she knew the agony of it well. She felt herself draining from the effort but refused to give up. Adrenaline was flowing through her veins and God, did she love the feeling. An idea formed in her mind, though it was reckless. Belle raised her hands as the sound of rushing weather filled the air. She began creating a small wave and ran toward the owlbear. When she was too close in range, she sent a blast of water flying toward the owlbear. Knowing she was close in range for attack, she concentrated on using her water magic to propel herself out of the way. Still, it had taken her a few seconds, despite concentration. Rushing water was the only noise she could hear; she could feel it vibrating around her. She felt every water droplet flowing through her. It was if she was one with the water. She allowed it to graze her side and clean away the blood. She’d have to patch that later and live to hear it from Malachi. Belle stared around at herself in awe. Water flowed from her hands. Her gaze turned out the owlbear as she glared at it. [color=#40C4FF]”It's a shame you’re cute.”[/color] Belle then intensified the pressure of water around it as she stumbled back onto the ground. She stood up with a slight wobble and hadn’t noticed her panting until now. She tried to begin catching her breath. She then raised her arms and formed water spheres around herself for protection. Belle then turned to watch her results and smoothed her dress down. She couldn’t wait to change into proper fucking clothing and drink mead. Her attention turned to the group and her eyes widened as she kept an eye on the owlbear also. What she saw horrified her and she quickly shouted,[color=#40C4FF]”MALACHI! Watch out!!”[/color] She turned and shot a blast of water to force Malachi out of the way of the scythe. Belle then turned and created a shield of water around herself protectively with her eyes on both groups. The spheres of water returned, this time protectively shielding Malachi and Valok. [/color]