[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/7kdQwh0/66-667488-land-orcland-orclandish-t-shirts-apparel-oakland-ca.png[/img] [color=gray]_____________________________[/color][/center] Ah, another good saying! Dular nodded thoughtfully at Ludith's words. In the cleric's experience, even the biggest fibbers with the wildest tall tales under their belts would giggle and whisper the truth conspiratorially after a few mugs. Someone was always willing to share a secret. In this case, with Ordrin's missing cargo, Dular hoped that it wasn't exactly a [i]secret[/i] the citizens were keeping though. That could lead to some trouble in town, the kind that beating up a few people was unlikely to fix. [i]Well, we had better find out sooner than later.[/i] [b]"Then let us not spend any more time out here standing,"[/b] the half-orc woman said. If she were a fool she would have clapped Ludith, the closest to her, on the back - but as much as she might have wanted to Dular got the feeling the gesture wouldn't be appreciated. She glanced out into the town at large, narrowing her eyes and cocking her head slightly. After a moment her smile widened a little more and she turned back to the group, gesturing ahead. [b]"It has been a while since I have been in Auonar. Long while. Was a small place, still is, hm? I think I remember where the tavern is, but if I do not, will not be too hard to find,"[/b] she said. The half-orc started in, trudging through the snow confidently. Really all they had to do was follow the weary folk, that would probably lead them there if Dular couldn't. Once there, she wouldn't mind if Entyrea did all the talking after all, sure that the scholar would have more insight into this kind of thing. The other human as well, both probably more well versed in finding missing cargo. Even Chip may have more experience there, though she figured his strength most likely lay in tracking live prey. [b]"We can visit merchants after filling ourselves with food... and information,"[/b] Dular said, adding that last part on quickly. [b]"They would have sharp eye for caravans passing."[/b]