[quote=@Adverb] Why strictly focus on cutting out the force-using? Just asking out of pure curiosity. [/quote] So the trick with this and the subsequent answer is the potential of the setting. A western that does a good deal of worldbuilding might get samey to people when literally everyone you meet is also a gunslinger. There was a fairly successful star wars game that got on well with a somewhat small, but devoted audience that explored everyone except Jedi/force users. I often hear the reason it failed is because of the update that added force users, resulting in everyone wanting to be that guy... resulting in that getting old rather quickly and the immersion of the game falling apart. I don't strictly fall in this camp, but the trick is ending up with a very large scope project where everyone is special, and then nobody is special. The reverse, where nobody is special and everybody is unique can be a strong appeal when the setting has enough background for most people to just get started. You might lose the people who just want to play force users, but there have been examples where being more humble in a setting of special can be quite successful.