[right][b][h3][color=ed1c24][i]Cyril Desrosiers[/i][/color][/h3][/b][/right][hr][hider=Important Information][quote][u][b]Location [/b][/u] Southern Silent Forest [u][b]Interacting With [/b][/u] Aster, Cation, Mimi, Velvet, Chloe, Virtue Grunts([@PlatinumSkink]) [u][b]Current Team [/b][/u] Aster - Budew - Lvl 9 - [color=39b54a]Happy Little Fwees[/color] Mimi - Happiny - Lvl 8 - [color=39b54a]In My Restless Pi's[/color] Velvet - Buneary - Lvl 8 - [color=8dc73f]Experiencing Something Electrifying[/color] | [color=fff200][PAR][/color] Cation - Shinx - Lvl 8 - [color=39b54a]Ignorance is Bliss[/color] [u][b]Inventory [/b][/u] 900 P x1 Everstone x2 Potion x6 Pokéballs x1 Pokédex x2 Escape Rope x20 Regular Stones x1 Repel x1 Antidote x1 Paralyze Heal x1 Extra Large Bento Box (Empty) x1 Extra Large Bento Box (Filled)(Two flavor items for Cyril and the Team; doesn't really impact much) x1 Balm Mushroom x1 Net Ball x1 Super Potion x1 Luminous Moss[/quote][/hider][hr] [color=ed1c24]"Er, uuuhh, yeah,"[/color] Cyril awkwardly chuckled as he glanced to the side as a small sweat droplet formed on the side of his face. Right, she had a cute lil' Pidgey. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah, faint is probably a better term,"[/color] he gently murmured to her. Smooth Cyril. Regardless, he could apologize to her later as he returned his attention to the battle as Chloe followed along with his plan. Cyril merely observed what was going on before shaking his head with a wry smile on his face as the man brought his own partner to a screeching halt, skidding and digging its body into the dirt, leaving it not only paralyzed but basically embedded in the ground. Yeah, it was little more than a turret until it dug itself out... or someone else did. That dry smile only seemed to grow wider as he gloated, unaware of what was to come as Chloe announced their own plan in tandem whilst Cyril nodded as well. [color=ed1c24]"Also, what are you talking about,"[/color] he tilted his head as he put an index finger to his lip inquisitively. [color=ed1c24]"Your partner [i]did[/i] hurt your ally!"[/color] As he bellowed this, he held one arm out before snapping his fingers with it whilst holding his other hand up, wide open and nearby his face, [color=ed1c24]"Missy, have Growlithe grab the Spheal with a Bite and toss them directly at Grimer, Budew, assist Growlithe in tossing Spheal with your buds!"[/color] Until he issued that attack, Velvet was staring at him in bewilderment, pondering on what alternate reality Cyril was living in before uttering a single [color=tan]"Bun."[/color] While that was going on Cyril deftly swooped down and scooped up Cation into his arms, prompting the little Shinx to not only paw at his face for a little bit, but remember who he was talking with and now paw at [i]her.[/i] [color=fff200]"Shiiiiii!"[/color] While that small tangle was going on, Aster peered behind him and nodded to Cyril whilst taking a gander at his unfurling bud. He had no idea if he was going to be as physically adept as the Growlithe but he had to try as he puffed out his chest, stuck his tongue out at the two opposing trainers and ran over to assist Growlithe. Should there be some success, the duo would heave the Spheal together and hopefully make him take the brunt of the poison, if not all of them whilst having its fat body slam directly into the Grimer, dealing some damage to it in the process. Following this success, if it [i]was[/i], Cyril smirked as he began rubbing his chin before eyeing Chloe briefly. [color=ed1c24]"A'ight, since the Spheal is poisoned and both our partners are speedier than these two, I've got a handful of other strategies up my sleeve,"[/color] he extended his arm once again and tugged on his sleeve in an exaggerated manner with his other hand before chuckling and placing a hand on his hip, [color=ed1c24]"Whaddya feel like going for, safe and slow but boring, or fun and fast but risky?"[/color] [hider=Play it safe for now][color=ed1c24]"Hah, fair enough! No shame in discretion,"[/color] he gave a gentle, understanding smile to the girl as he looked at Growlithe and Aster before looking back to the paralyzed Spheal and Grimer. [color=ed1c24]"It's time I teach you the J-... Gostars secret family technique, a technique so powerful it could shake the very foundations of society!"[/color] Cyril, using his free hand slapped the side of his legs, his face suddenly gone cold and serious, causing some tonal whiplash as Cation wondered what was wrong, Mimi shivered a little, and Velvet wondered what was going to happen this time with a less than impressed glance. [color=ed1c24]"We, or rather Growlithe and Budew, are going to use their legs."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Missy, follow my lead!"[/color] There was some small giggling under his breath as he pointed towards Aster. [color=ed1c24]"Budew... run away!"[/color] And there it was. The biggest slap in the face that probably confused the heck out of Aster as he spun around and raised an eyebrow. Why run now? Regardless, Aster kept his faith and did his best to sprint away from his opponents. Beyond just distancing themselves, the plan as well was simple. [color=ed1c24]"And furthermore take the hit for Growlithe if it uses Water Gun,"[/color] Cyril nudged Chloe as he turned his attention over to her and murmured, [color=ed1c24]"As for you, if you hear them say Powdered Snow have Growlithe take the hit for Budew."[/color][/hider] [hider=Time for some fun][color=ed1c24]"Hah, alright, lets bring this to a close with some flair,"[/color] he announced before holding a hand to his mouth and winking while pointing an index finger at their partners. [color=ed1c24]"Swap out Growlithe for Pidgey, Budew distance yourself from those two for now."[/color] Aster was expecting them both to just wail on the Spheal until it fainted, but hey, hopefully this would be a lot funner as the Budew perked up and swiftly sprinted away from the two while they were still in a daze. Why did he have a feeling he was either going to love or hate heights after this? Once the swap in was completed, Cyril merely struck a pose as he stretched one arm high into the air, pointing past the canopy of the trees, nay, past the heavens! Brandishing his canines with a smirk he bore his plan in full view of the world, [color=ed1c24]"Alright, Missy, have Pidgey pick up Budew and have him fly around with him, Aster use your buds to hold on tight and Absorb when I say so!"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Fwee?!"[/color] Wait what?! Oh no, he was serious. This plan sounded ridiculous as he felt his little heart beating at a hundred miles an hour and furthermore there was no time to negotiate as the Pidgey had already picked him up with their claws. Aster's legs wobbled and wiggled in midair as he was taken off the ground and peered about the vicinity. He didn't know whether to feel exhilarated or scared. Probably both. [color=ed1c24]"I'll let you decide when its best to strike, but make sure you utilize the trees for cover to avoid their attacks, especially the Spheals."[/color][/hider]