*a base on a planet on the Outer Rim sits barren, bearing the scars of a long fought battle. Its few remenants of life attempting to fight an relentless enemy. In a barricade at what used to be a children's hospital, a squad of EDB troops count their ammo, and take note of their stock* Soldier 1:.... Captain, we have 3 stacks of ammo crates, two straps of frag grenades, and 3 Rapid Deploy Projectile rockets left. Captain: *looks to his worn down troops, seeing them coated in ther own blood, and the blood of fallen comrades* ..... we have enough stock to hold them off for a few minutes, but we have 3 hours until extraction.. let's pray to the gods they dont see us until then... Soldier 2: *begins to quitely cry* Soldier 1: * looks up to his fellow soldier, seeing the tears roll down his face. The solder in question was young, in his early twenties. Its safe to say he hadnt seen war, judging on his reaction* ... *walks up to the captain* ... Be honest with me sir... we're gonna die here, aren't we? Captain: ......yes. they told us there was an extraction planned, but prepare for a Code Black. Soldier 1: .... I won't get to see my boy ever again... I didn't get to say goodbye... is all of this for nothing? The enemy overwhelmed us lie flies on shit... they just didn't die, either. We fired and fired, but they just kept getting back up... are we in hell? What did we do..... Captain:.... you lot are some of the greatest men I've had the privledgei n training and fighting alongside. The Spectre program has been a success. Even we couldn't handle these monsters... the distress call has been sent. All we can do... is pray. *walks over to the crying soldier, and pulls him into a hug* ... I'm sorry, son. I wanted to see you grow old, for you to live life much past my time... I brought you into this hell... I'm so sorry. Soldier 2: Its okay cap-.... I mean dad.... I wanted to prove to you I was worth something. Captain: *looks into his son's eyes* Youve given me the best gift a father coudl ever have. Hope. Hope in a future beyond my time... your generation will flourish, I'm sure of it. We may pass here, but someone will find a way to end this scourge... someday. *takes his dogtags off, putting them around his son's neck* I love you, son. And I'm damn proud of you. *a loud bang can be heard as the Amaranthine dogs burst through the door* Captain: damnit, lay down supressive fire! We've got to keep moving! *5 of the soldiers turn to the monsters, firing roudns at them to slow their quick approach* ------ *several moments later, an Amaranthine pup licks its lips, cleaning bone bits and blood from its mouth. The soldiers all lay dead, their remains scattered about* Ezmeralda: *appears, petting one of the hounds* Good work, little ones. The EDB stands as a testament of those allied with the Tier Five... and you've stricken fear into their hearts. Perhaps they will... reconsider their allignment with Shinji Akamura...