DeWinter nodded rigidly, lips locked together. “The people of Outremer will require evidence. We cannot just move to a war footing without [i]tangible[/i] evidence of this threat. It is my understanding that this creature didn’t actually provide us with anything we could corroborate?” Freyr fielded this one too.“That is correct, Madame President. The team asked, but it became too weak to provide any reference points.” Freyr turned to address the majority of the Rothian delegates next. “We should consider providing it with alternate sources of power. It could be able to use them, meaning we can attempt a safe re-entry in a couple of days. It may be willing to give us the rest of the answers we need.” Another person jumped in almost immediately from the screen. “That would be a poor substitute for moving the asset back to Outremer right away, Dr Lang. Giving it power on Rothia provides no guarantee that it will be well enough to help us with these facts.” Freyr remembered that voice, but couldn’t place it to a face. She searched the sea of visages to try and find someone else she recognised. “Well, yes. Potentially. Who am I speaking to?” Another face appeared where one of the anonymous silhouettes had been seconds before. He had short, well-groomed grey hair, a timeless complexion and bright augmented blue eyes. Her stomach clenched, seemingly on it’s own, at the sight of him. “Director-General Smith, of The Cradle Institute. I’m pleased to see you again, Dr Lang.” He smiled.