Arn’s eyes narrowed in concern as he noticed and felt the change in Eilis. A wall seemed to start building up between them. He could still feel her but she was more of an echo than an actual presence. His narrowed eyes morphed into that of anger as he came to understand what she meant. It was entirely possible that some basics and historical literature about magic was shared between the two opposing kingdoms. After all, the life force of Gaia was the one thing that connected them all. No matter your believes as to the spiritual or scientific use of this connection, the fact that one existed was not in dispute. He had read something of the sort many years ago. These practices were of course banned and carried with them some heavy penalties. Arn himself had been questioned as to his reading of the books. After a few weeks of being under surveillance, the monitors had felt he had only read the restricted book as a references. However, the mechanics of the spell that Eilis suggested was not lost to him. If they were all connected to Gaia then those of the same blood or those with strong emotional ties to each other would have an even stronger connection. The mage understood her distress. As knowledgeable as she was with magic, there could have only been one way for the trace to be completed. Arn moved closer to her and placed a protective hand on her shoulders. His head was comforting and energetic. Inside him, there was a maelstrom of feelings. He wanted to comfort her but he also wanted to burn those who had made her feel so. His voice was calm but it rang with a truthfulness that could not be mistaken. [color=0054a6]“I am sorry for your loss. However, it is not your fault. We were given this life and weather you believe in pre destiny or if you believe it your own, there are choices that are not left up to us.”[/color] He stroked her hair fondly. [color=0054a6]“The ones who have traced you may feel that they have you cornered and that there is nowhere for you to run.” [/color] His voice took a dangerous turn almost murderous. [color=0054a6]“However, you are not alone. Those who come for you instead come to their deaths”.[/color] The fire in his eyes made those same eyes flare. He was not sure how or why but using the Aether, he started to push against the walls that the young girl had began to set up. She would have no need of walls, when he reached her, she would be protected and warmed by a sphear of flame that would turn to ash any who came near. Tobi almost giggled at the scene being played out before him. The silver haired knight was a good foot or so taller than the rounder Evander. This in itself made the confrontation comedic, as if a stubborn child was arguing with a parent. Second, despite the pretense of outrage, the Mage Captain’s eyes would flicker with contained fear. Indeed, even Tobi shuddered once or twice at the restrained power of Tyrhallan. The young mage committed everything to memory. Such a story would no doubt get more glorious and exaggerated when told in the barracks. Tobi was well liked by the others because he always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. He already had gold with Arn and Eilis but this confrontation, was the golden egg of stories. The back and forth was quite entertaining when suddenly Tobi all but managed to suppress a gasp as the Knight Captain requested the transfer of Arn. The young mage turned to the Lord Knight. Studying the man and wondering why. It was true that his senior was an asset in battle. His prowess was known through out the kingdom. Hell, there was even a secret shrine to him in the Cauldron that no teacher knew about. Those of lower birth regarded him almost as an emissary. Was this request something more than just tactically focused? Did the Knight Captain mean to utilize Arn in a political way? It was well known that the Master Mage had been offered a position on the capital and had rejected it. The hellspawn was already a conundrum and many knew that he was hard to tame. Tobi turned his attention back to Evander. The mage swallowed visibly. He was presented with a horrible decision. On the one hand, he could get rid to the direct opposition to his power. But that would mean that what little control he had over the men would all but disappear. However, if he did not turn Arn over, then Tyrhallan would force the matter via a duel and upon Evander’s death, still request for the transfer. While Evander had been given the rank of master and he could indeed be proficient with magic, he was not in the same league as the Knight Captain. Frustration and anger could be clearly seen in the other man’s face as he came to the safest conclusion for his personal well being. [color=662d91]"Fine. FINE. You can have the man. You can deal with his insubordination and his blatant refusal to listen to command." He complained. "But I am 'warning you' Venray...if you take away my men from me again it will be my honour that will be insulted and you will pay for that then."[/color] Tobi straigthend himself up as the Mage Captain addressed him with bile all but dripping from his every word. The young mage saluted smartly emulating a completely submissive and professional soldier. Evander stared at the young man with dark eyes and turned so quickly that the fancy black robes twirled dangerously around the man’s ankles. Yet despite the young mage’s prayer, the Master Mage did not fall. Tobi turned to Tyrhallan and nodded his agreement that at least the other man was still alive. He followed the Knight Captain. The young mage’s mind raced with the probable reaction the news would have on the squad. They all saw Arn as a sort of good luck charm. Sudenly Tobi wondered how Arn himself would react to the news. He cast a sideways glance towards the silver haired knight. Had Tryhallan asked his senior if he also wanted to change commands? Arn was notorious for hating being told what to do. He shrugged to himself. It was not up to him. Though, he hoped to be there when the news were delivered. He stopped short as a crowd seemed to have been gathering into the galley. He wondered how good those damn fish where that it drew such a crowd. However, soon all fell silent as the recognizable voice of the King of Belisio rang over the speakers. A collective holding of breath ensued. Tobi listened with growing awe and as the king finished speaking he turned up his young face to Tyrhallan as if seeking answers.