[@Kuro] You bring home some edible barks. [@Duthguy] You stack the mud bricks on top of each other and use a mud mortar to keep them steady. After a couple of hours you have a sturdy hut. It's humble but after smoothing out the walls it looks quite cozy. It's not long before a Gnome Worker arrives and moves in. You decide to put him to work. [@DraconiWarlord] You are very satisfied by the Mud Brick you have created. [b]Resources:[/b] [indent] 7 / 25 Food 0 / 15 Mud 1 / 15 Mud Brick [/indent] [b]Workers:[/b] [indent]1 / 3 Workers 1x Laborer 0x Gatherer 0x Forager 0x Crafter[/indent] [b]Buildings:[/b] [indent]1x Mud Hut[/indent] Do one thing: >[] Forage for Food >[] Gather Mud >[] Craft: Mud Brick (requires:1 Mud) >[] Build Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks) >[] Build Gatherer's Hut (requires: 5 Mud Bricks) >[] Build Wise Man's Hut (requires: 10 Mud Bricks) >[]Assign Worker: Foraging / Gathering Mud / Crafting Brick