[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNmZjZhNC5UblZ5SUV4aFoyaHRZVzVwLjA/sinbad-the-sailor.regular.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/610144890877378561/803082422568091658/Nur_Fatin_Snake_1.png[/img][/center] [color=Palegreen]Time[/color]: Afternoon [color=Black]Location[/color]: Convenience store, River Port [color=Palegreen]Interactions[/color]: Darius [@FunnyGuy] [color=Black]Ambiance[/color]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZkFjWJVt6c&t=2452s]River port[/url] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/610964561553522698/610974112898351104/1658518_preview_preview.png[/img][/center] Nur walked next to Darius, his arm in hers, feeling happy. She loved meeting someone new, after a while things had a tendency to get boring. Even if someone could buy her everything she could ever want, if the company was dull, being around them got tiresome real quick. A dog walked up to the both of them, passing them a slip of disgustingly wet paper. Nur immediately let go of Darius's arm, when he reached out to take the paper from the canine. Every the nosy type however she leaned over to get a better look at the message. It read, [i]Meeting hall tomorrow at 2[/i] Such a strange message and she noticed it confused Darius. [color=Palevioletred][i]Weird[/i][/color] she thought. Nur made a mental note of the message. She wasn't sure what was going on, or who had sent it, but the only way to figure out was to show up there and see for herself. Following Darius's directions they strolled past the park at a leisurely pace. The leaves were already changing from bright evergreen to shades of orange, yellow and red. It was pretty, but she preferred the summertime. The convenience store was hard to miss. The display window showed the latest models of hoverboards and jumping shoes. The sign read, [i]Gadgets and Conveniences Shop[/i] She could use some essential beauty products herself. She had no clue where Darius was staying, most likely in one of the inns, but she doubted there would be everything she needed. The inside of the store was much more organized than the outside made it appear to be. Nur went straight for the personal care aisle, loading up on everything from hair softener, to body cleanser, and brushes. She turned to Darius and dropped all of her things in his arms. [color=Palevioletred]"Here can you hold this for me?"[/color] She asked, but didn't really wait for his answer. Nur continued to sample some more products, smelling some of the available armpit fragrances. She was adding up the total amount of amas in her head, and she was not liking the numbers she came up with. But she wasn't willing to part with anything either. Life was just full of tough choices. She eyed the shopkeeper, a feline demi-human, and he was looking kind of annoyed, angry even. What was it with cat demi-humans up at River Port anyway? They were all perpetually grumpy. Nur wasn't to keen on trying her chances with him. He looked like he might scratch her face if she irked him. And her face was extremely precious. She exited the personal care aisle and went back to Darius. A rare smile of pity was on her face. She really did string him along everywhere, and he even bought her perfume, without her asking for it. Nur grabbed a shopping basket and held it on her arm. She took each of her things from Darius's arms, one by one, tossing them into the woven basket. [color=Palevioletred]"So...what are you going to buy?"[/color]