[center][h2][color=crimson][i]We’re back...[/i][/color][/h2] [img]https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--BVDeWArk--/t_Preview/b_rgb:191919,c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1546825749/production/designs/3902370_0.jpg[/img] [i]It’s September 1st, 20XX. The location is Earth-1919. Specifically, the New York City of Earth-1919. It’s a world that should look familiar to you. One very much like your own, where legends and superheroes exist only in movies and comic books. But not for long. A “gas attack” at Empire State University has turned into an epidemic. Hundreds, even thousands, are falling sick. Greenwich Village has been quarantined. Most of those infected will die. You will not. You have been chosen. By some freak chance, or destiny, you have survived. But not unchanged. And you’re not the only one. The world is about to get much bigger. Much stranger. Much more dangerous. And you’re going to be at the center of it all. Are you a hero? A villain? A little of both? Up to you. Only you can decide what kind of Spider-Man you’ll be. [h2][color=red]Welcome to the Spider-Verse. It’s gonna be a wild ride.[/color][/h2][/i][/center] [hr] Welcome to Tales from the Spider-Verse! In this roleplay, you’ll be taking on the role of a newly-minted Spider-Person, navigating a rapidly-changing world of super-heroes and villains. There will be danger. Excitement! Romance! Maybe even aliens, I don’t know! If you’re interested, you know what to do. For those of us returning to us after the last attempt, welcome back. Hope to see you all soon!