[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] Jersey? Who goes to Jersey? [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Niah nodded. A lot. She nodded at Dr. Larson telling her to not share about the multi-verse experience she had with others. She nodded at the explanation about why the Skrulls were trying to take over Earth. Would that make it a strategic place for the Kree too? Would Earth become a battleground between two highly advanced races? They had to keep that from happening. Humans weren't really ready for an outside threat like that. Heck, they were barely able to handle the differences of mutants and inhuman from themselves. She did not want to think about what humanity would be like if they realized there were body snatchers out and about. When the ship landed and the ramp lowered Niah said, [color=0080ff]"Thank you. I'll happily talk with you more about my experiences sometime."[/color] Then she went down the ramp. She spotted the gathering group and waved. Rolling the wheelchair that was sometimes a leg carefully. [color=0080ff]"Hey Sparky! You found Raynor. Hi Amelia, turns out things were totally funky, and jumping out a window probably was the sanest thing you could do."[/color] She was clearly still a little high. She waved at everyone else joining them. [color=0080ff]"Raynor did getting kidnapped by shapeshifting-aliens get the chip off your shoulder?"[/color] She asked, grinning, showing that she was mostly joking with Raynor. Somewhere between three realities, her sister being a multi-dimensional terrorist, and demon bear Niah seemed to stop being so tense, or maybe it was the drugs in her system. It was probably the drugs in her system, which were painfully starting to wear off. [color=0080ff]"We fought a demon bear that fed off fear and it ruined my leg."[/color] She said and held up the stump for the others to see. [color=0080ff]"Where is Maria? Oh and Sparky you've got to check out this wheelchair later. You're gonna love it. It is cooler than any sci-fi book I've ever read."[/color] Niah had honestly not read much recently, her life was more sci-fi than she could handle. Escaping into a sci-fi novel was not what she considered fun at the time being. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] Quinjet -> Boardwalk [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Matt hadn't unbuckled at any point after they took off again. He had come to the decision that he wouldn't ever be unbuckled when Hawkeye was flying again. Even though he hadn't been tossed around the ship he had seen enough of the others do just that. When the ship finally landed he was happy to be getting off. [color=004d00]"You might not need a vacation, but I think I'm going to take one. Go home and just enjoy some hockey or something."[/color] He told Bonnie grinning, before leaving the ship after Cass. Niah was rambling at Sparky as he walked up. Cass was already there. It was dumb but he had liked her kissing his hand. It had been a sweet tender moment when right now nothing seemed so vulnerable. He hoped he hadn't been wrong to decide to trust the group completely. He hoped that Cass was really Cass and hadn't been replaced, he wouldn't want to have happy memories like that with someone who wasn't his girlfriend.