Crystal gratefully took the medicine from the soldier who arrived and swallowed them immediately. She was still jittery, but just knowing that she'd be back to normal once they kicked in was enough to help her overcome most of her anxiety. Still, she was a bit embarrassed from how she was acting, and her wrist was hurting quite a lot. She looked towards the other girls and gave a slight bow of her head. [color=00aeef]"I'm really, really sorry about worrying you all. I had to skip my meds yesterday, and obviously I left behind todays dose. I was terrified of them not having them here, and having to wait until we got to the school to take them. That combined with not having taken them yesterday was... well, you saw what it did. Thank you all so much for stopping me."[/color] She looked towards Chie specifically. [color=00aeef]"And thank you very much for getting the medicine and asking them to open the mess hall."[/color] She bowed her head further for a moment before straightening back up. [color=00aeef]"I'll be okay. We can go eat whenever you girls are ready."[/color]