The Chef Mate dipped his head without looking from the viewport. “Thank you, sir, for that gracious assessment. I will be sure to keep it close to mind.” Which earned him a loving ruffle of his wooly ears from the Captain. Six place settings, two tables. Near-infinite combinations to choose from, and nevermind what Dolce might tell you about figures and combinatorial claptrap. Practically speaking though, how many decisions did she have to make? Just one, as it turned out. All the rest had been made for her. Iskarot could not go the [i]Yakanov[/i] without causing a scene. He must go to the planet. She was the Captain of the [i]Plousios.[/i] To not visit the [i]Yakanov[/i] would be to deliver a grievous insult, and raise questions of their true motives here. She and Dolce must go to the [i]Yakanov.[/i] Galnius and his hoplites would provide stability and respectability - and it was proof positive of their dire predicament that they needed them for the latter - and they numbered far too few to make a difference on the surface. They would accompany her to the [i]Yakanov.[/i] Epestia and Redana were problems in the making, but Redana [i]might[/i] be capable of keeping a lid on it so long as she didn’t fall in with a bad crowd. Or over-eager Ceronians with more scythe than sense. The two of them must be kept apart. Alexa was sensible, capable, reliable, and already got on well with Epestia. A grounding force that would stick close by her side. The two of them needed to be paired up, for all their sakes. Which left one decision, upon which all the others hung: [i]Would Redana be better off by her side, or apart?[/i] Vasilia took Redana’s measure; tone of voice, sharpness of stance, consistency with time, state of dress, so on, and so forth. She would not be rushed to speak. “You will accompany the good Hermetician to the surface. From a distance, you will be just another priest with their acolyte, and no one will be any the wiser. You are to explore the planet, make contact with the Alced, and lay the groundwork for taking them onboard.” And if there was a hint of fondness in her eyes as she sent Redana off on the adventures she so craved, well! Then take it as you may. “Am I understood?” In the end, hardly much of a decision at all.