[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/934550171994435664/980536873577504798/unknown.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][hr] [color=988C72]“You know. I am almost impressed.”[/color] The insane magi commented as she jumped from one branch to another, speaking each time before she jumped, almost like she was trying to distract them as she encircled them from above, [color=988C72]“I do have to wonder however about one thing and one thing alone.”[/color] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/154638432/original.gif[/img][/center] [i]Thwoosh.[/i] Her legs hit the branch of another tree as the the group below tried to follow her movements, [color=988C72]“Why you are working for people who would put you in the guillotine once you returned to their precious little barge? Why is that, my pets? Perhaps you are simply lacking when it comes to using those precious, [i]tasty[/i], little brains of yours. Maybe you just do not value your lives. Pity.”[/color] A jolt of malum energy could be felt in the air, even by non-malum users. It tasted wrong. Like the air was full of rot and poison. It was a feeling that would make any normal person gag. If not for her wickedness and malevolent presence the group may have reconsidered their approach, but it appeared to already be too late. The treants had been dealt with, but the real fight was only beginning. This much was certain as her speed began to increase from branch to branch. Not even Lazulin could keep up with the movement until it was too late. The silver-haired magi called out to Zestasia but by the time the first syllable left his tongue the cloaked witch jumped down behind Zestasia, the force of which sending a malum shockwave across the field, knocking debris and leaves aside. By the time Zestasia turned around to face her he saw it. What pure vengeance would do to someone. Her hood had been knocked off of her head. The magi’s once beautiful braided pigtails were frayed and unkempt. Her rosy skin now pale and full of a palette of black and purple spiraling like a sickness. The irises of her eyes were pure darkness. Her hands were covered in malum constructs, forming claws around her. It was hard to tell if she had a foci or if she was classified differently. All he knew was the pain of the magical claws tearing into him. [color=988C72]“Let’s play a game!”[/color] She said, cackling as she attempted to dig her claws into her target. [color=988C72]“If you can stop me from ripping out your heart with my bare hands, you win!”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]