[quote=@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@ZAVAZggg][@Dark Cloud] It wasn’t long before cops approached Teo. As if Tails wasn’t drawing enough attention before, now he certainly would walking next to a blood spattered Teo. “Blood spattered” meaning “coated.” People stayed a distance. One man spotted Tails and went to ask Teo about him, only to spot the blood and walk away hurriedly. Meanwhile in the alleyway, the terminator was done and Jesse knew once again he was victorious. He questioned at times how there could be a different outcome given his situation with the reaper. Right now he went over how bizarre the day had been to this point. Even having the existence of the reaper as real and not only a figment of insanity could prepare him. He crossed the river, but this wasn’t an afterlife. The reaper would ensure he suffered. This wasn’t the afterlife, even a bad one, but some sort of strange hellish dimension where everything went wrong. As Jesse heard more cops coming, he fled further through the alleys. [/quote] Teo, deciding he'd had enough conflict for the day, met the approaching officers with his hands raised to show that he was unarmed. "Afternoon officers," he said, a friendly smile creasing his face. "I assure you there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for my current state."