[center]Frost checked her gun's mag near the door as Vorra's ship touched down, her emotionless face told nothing of her instinct to stick to an in-and-out plan. This was unknown territory, even for a neutral planet. [color=skyblue]"If the crew's still kicking, leave 'em. They're feds anyway, no skin off our backs if they freeze to death while we're here. If we run into somethin' sentient like a human or a Spryzen, keep 'em at a distance- don't shoot unless they're reachin' for a gun. Varzyrin, you're packing the most heat out of all of us, so you're best watching our backs. Rest of us'll set to scrapping things. If it's breathin' leave it. If it's shooting us, light it up."[/color] That was the plan. Reactionary self defense only. Frost's tone was clear and concise, she was clearly used to leading operations like this before. As the door opened up to fill the ship with cold, dry mist, Frost took a step out onto the fresh-fallen snow. The dead mass of ships in front of them. [color=skyblue]"Alright, let's get grabbing."[/color] And so they did. Meanwhile, on the other side of the ridge... Dozens of footprints added together more and more, a mass of furs and bodies trudging together towards the noises they heard further away. Skala. Scavengers, to be precise. Word began to circulate that something fell from the sky a good few moons ago, yet to be touched. The Skala making their way past the mountains were nomads, hunters who didn't take to civilization that few ever take to. They were not carrying guns, they had spears, and bows made from nature in anyway they could manage, animal sinew and bone, trees, whatever one could scavenge and work with on Formalis, one did. It would still be a while before the two groups of individuals met face to face. They were too far away in the snow and hills to be seen by their lookout, much less the rest of them. Skala were in great many numbers on this planet, but they had a tendency to cling together in groups, so they were difficult to come across. The noise of an intact spacecraft landing on their planet, which was otherwise dead silent, only perked their ears more than the prospect of unclaimed scavenging. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.EeRJngOHj32uA29vOdFNeAHaEL%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img][/center]