[h2]Evelyn and Elisabeth[/h2] Travelling to Japan across the breadth of the world had been entirely uneventful compared to the runup, which had almost inexplicably--to Evelyn, at least--involved strange, hushed meetings with Church officials. Who was she, what did she want, who was putting her up to this? Despite Elisabeth's insistence that this was for her own [i]safety[/i], it had felt rather like she was being assessed for death. The later explanation that this was entirely true but still preferable to getting the information from an actual magus had been... disquieting. As much as she disliked her eyes, having them plucked from her head and her arm cut off as a key into this war was a step down from wearing a blindfold. Once in Japan... well, she was a girl of limited means; there was no fancy catalyst for her summoning. All Evelyn could do was hope that whatever spirit most resonated with her was strong enough to have a chance at victory. So far, she seemed fortunate...? Orion [i]was[/i] a legendary figure, the second most identifiable constellation and likely the greatest hunter to have ever lived. How that would translate into fighting other Servants, though, or if he was really all that... she couldn't say for sure. For some reason, Elisabeth had taken a near immediate dislike to him and started arguing over nothing much in particular. Not enough to refuse his assistance in reaching their [i]current[/i] position, though, as she begrudgingly stood beside the hulking figure and looked down at the city. Evelyn, having no business standing near the edge of a skyscraper like those two, had instead seated herself cross-legged in the middle of the roof and lit up a cigarette. "You really think you can spot a Servant from up here? They're probably hiding," Elisabeth said, doubting that anyone would do anything to reveal themselves so blatantly. "I'm telling you, we'd be better off checking with the Overseer. Last thing we need is to antagonise the Church." [hr] [h2][color=Gold]GOLDEN[/color][/h2] "Yo, Master!" the Berserker said, uncharacteristically cheerful for... basically anyone summoned into that class, as he turned around to look at her. From somewhere else in the mansion, he'd managed to pull a full-length mirror and had, until her appearance, been admiring himself in it. [i]That[/i], at least, was something trivial for him to do. How the man had so rapidly acquired a change of clothes and sunglasses...? Well, his shopping ability was probably golden, too. "Feelin' better now? My ol' costume ain't golden enough, so I got somethin' fresh that should fit in more." Not that he really had any hope of fitting in. If there was one thing Kintoki wasn't, it was subtle. Or unobtrusive.