@ Dark cloud The Elven Ranger looked hard at the barbarian, "I understand that your kind is use to living in uncivilized colonies where you speak to each other as if you were animals, but I demand you show Zandor some respect." The old wizard placed his hand on Athar's shoulder, "Calm thyself Athar, he is right, no man should risk his life unless paid." Zandor turns his attention to the barbarian, "All of you will be paid for your services. " The Elf can not hold his tongue, " In my days we fought against evil because it was the right thing to do, and we didn't moan about being paid." @Moonshadow The Elf turns to answer your questions, " Three days ride, or five day walk to the southeast, we estimate no more than Twenty, and there are always two guards at the gate." Zandor takes another puff from his pipe, "Supplies will be given to you for the journey, if that is all, make haste. "