[center][h1][color=00a651]Hobgoblin Zats[/color][/h1][/center] Since he made no progress in energy sensing either as far as he could tell Zats gave up on that as well. He still had no idea if it was impossible or if he was just too distracted, one of the Goblins had briefly been rather loud, though and decided to try it again sometime while hunting. Part of him kept saying that he should be able to manipulate some kinda outside energy and be able to use magic, but he could he manipulate something he couldn't neven sense. After thinking it over for a bit he came to the conclusion that maybe he was wrong about the outside energy. Since he was indoors trying out a fire spell would be stupid but he alo wanted something he could show off a little given how long it had already taken him to learn even a simple spell. He looked around a bit and found a loose page lying on the ground. Getting an idea Zats focused on it and tried to make it come to him without touching it. [hider=Summary] Gave up on energy sensing but will try again (despite me knowing he won't get it.) Is now trying to telekinetically move a loose page from a book to himself. [/hider] [hider=EXp, skill and inventory] EXP: Inventory: [list] [*] Everoak Shield [*] Rabbit skin loincloth [*] Rabbit horn [/list] Acquired Skills: [list] [*][b]Crush[/b] [*][b]Knowledge of the Three[/b] [*][b]Pole arm combat beginner[/b] [*][b]Creaturologist[/b] [*] [b]Military Strategy [u]Centurian position[/u][/b] [*] [b]Gravekeepers spirit [/b] [*][b]Instant armor[/b] [/list] Titles: Blessings: Curses: [/hider]