[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200415/f3c33cd66e59a30059c90056ed049824.png[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/PotablePersonalDonkey-size_restricted.gif[/img] [@Morose][@BlueSky44][@kittyluna45][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=EEE8AA]Nadia Petrova[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bj3O8Xd.png[/img] [I]Location: Nidavellir Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Nadia looked at Klara and then Betty with a bit of a surprised look seeing the now massive cat tackling Utgard-Loki to the ground was both an amazing and funny sight as well to see. [color=EEE8AA]"Great job Betty."[/color] Nadia said as she walked over towards Runa gently wrapping an arm around her as she watched Utgard-Loki struggling to get Betty off of him but he couldnt really as Klara simply took the set of tools up into her arms. Nadia was satisfied that the job was all done now as well to which was a good thing then. [color=EEE8AA]"C'mon lets get the tools back."[/color] Nadia said as she eyed the saddle for a moment wondering if it was big enough for all three of them could get a ride on before Utgard-Loki spoke again. "I know that you are searching for Baldur, and that he is inside Hel's palace." Utgard-Loki said turning to look at the three girls. "And I know a secret way to get inside to, it wont be easy to get in through the front door. All that I want are those tools." Utgard-Loki said, as Nadia shook her head she didnt trust him at all. [color=EEE8AA]"I still Don't believe him, lets get going."[/color] Nadia insisted as she was getting ready to leave the alleyway now. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=#81BEF7]Arnora Skadidottir[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/h0eyxJ9.png[/img] [I]Location: Niflheim Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Elizabeth started to look really bad now as Arnora looked over at the arrow for a moment and then over towards Lara and then over towards their boat. She noticed that more Daugur were starting to swarm the boat now, and they carried weapons and were smashing against the hull, some of them getting onto the boat as well breaking whatever they could. [color=#81BEF7]"I dont think the boat is an option anymore.."[/color] Arnora said towards Lara as she continued to run. Arnora looked forward she noticed what looked to be a cave of some kind near the shore and then looked towards Lara and gestured towards that spot. [color=#81BEF7]"Lets go in there."[/color] Arnora suggested as she quickly ran over there, entering the small looking cave, and started to make a shushing motion to Lara. The undead seemed to be focused on smashing their only ride to get out of the area, which was both a good and bad thing right now they were stranded the good thing was they were distracted right now.