[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/604843275974737940/808776428837273630/wendigo2_banner1.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1a7b30]Well, it thought this would be fun but this fool of a mortal was worse than the creature could have fathomed which was saying something. Its female form tilted her head to the side, seeming to permit the man access for his affections. Her head turned, lips near his disheveled hair as the voice begun to twist.[/color] "You are not nearly frightened enough," [color=1a7b30]The body beneath Bobby's hands contorted, bones rising up through skin in a visceral crack and pop of joints. If the human hadn't stumbled backwards, he would have been torn by the change. A root rose up and tripped Bobby onto his arse as the creature shook out its mangy black mane.[/color] "Foolish child, daring to come tread away from your town and into [i]my[/i] woods? Is it not enough that I permit your kind access to my lands, my fields?" [color=1a7b30]The angry low-octave voice wrapped around the area with a snarl. The creature reached out with one long black hand to grab the human by his hair with its clawed fingers. He severed the man's head from its body with one thorough upward jerk of its arm. The creature devoured the meat of the man, leaving the shredded body at the edge of the woods along the field leading back into the town as a warning. It may not have taken its sacrifice, but it would not tolerate further trespassers.[/color]