[b]Blaze[/b] I can be a puppy. I can be the cutest damn puppy this Beauty has ever seen. However I'm saved the indignity of seriously following this line of questioning by Gaul. It's about damn time. I happily let him take over the fight and get to something I'm better suited to, waking swooned babes. I gently lift Lexianna to a sitting position and rub her face. "Hey there Darlin', I think it's time you woke up." I can hear the blood moving in her veins and the steady beat of her heart, all good signs. Doesn't my sister have a heal-y sword? That would be helpful right now. [b]Flame[/b] I walk into the Throne World buzzing with anger. I don't know what I need to fight but I'm ready for it. I stop in front of a large staircase, a lone throne at the end, and upon it sits a solid gold statuesque figure. My eyes narrow. "Uh, hello?" I put my hands on my hips and tap my foot impatiently.